Three weeks ago while doing standing military presses I pulled something in my neck. Since that time I have a very limited range of motion in my neck and can not lift my arms above my shoulders without pain. Doc said it was muscular and not nervous as I have no numbness in my hands. Has anyone had anything similiar, if so how did you get over this. This is extremely frustraiting as I was just starting to make some real progress in the gym. Thanks all
I have had similar pains (from upright rows, standing curls and behind the neck presses) and have been helped immensley by a chiropractor. I never got any relief from my occasional low back pain, but I have been to 2 different chiropractors and after only 1 neck “adjustment” my pain was gone in 2-3 days. When I have used the traditional RICE therapy the pain stays for weeks. I also got relief from pressing hard right into the center of the painful area for 15 seconds, resting for a moment then repeating. Don’t remember where I read that, but it helps.
Thanks Dave. So far the only thing that helps dull the pain is keeping the area warm, I have to be the only one wearing a sweatshirt in the middle of this heat wave.
An adjustment from a chiropractor will definitely help but you need to combine this with a deep tissue massage or trigger point therapy. If you have a lot of pain, you need to get some Dolgit Gel (ibuprofen cream). You can get this on some website if you do a Google search.