I am looking for some insight. Not a youngun anymore,50, but still trying to improve. Spent alot of time when I was younger doing mostly upper body stuff, hated leg day. I’m sure this is an old song. But as I’ve gotten older and learned the value of squats and deads, I’ve been hitting them pretty hard. Now to the problem. Flexability issues has made squatting deep hard to do. Have gotten better, but know it is still a issue.
Hips have started hurting right in the front and running down the front of the quad. First sets are the worse, once I get going pain subsides, but by the time I get home, getting out of the truck hurts like hell due to stiffening up. Put up with this thru the week until I do it again. What I wonder is it a form issue. Maybe feet poined out too much? Just getting old? As far as weight, have not done much more than 300 for reps.
I would first try to see someone that specializes in soft tissue work, ART or Graston kinda person. You might also check out Cressey’s DVD magnificent mobility to help with the flexibility stuff.
also, the specific problem might be a straied hip flexor or quad, (i am dealing with the former right now), but it is probably jsut as simple as getting some ART done. Invest in a foam roller, they are life savers, I had sharp pain in my knees when dynamic squating and my freind told me to get a foam roller and rol my IT band, guess what? no more pain! good luck and play it safe!
You know more than me but Getting a deep tissue rub down was the first thing that came to my mind. So what if their rubbing the groin area. Make sure you get an nice young grad student and if you pop a boner, so what? At 50 all the better. Maybe they’ll give you the AARP discount =)
(nothing better than takking a few jabs at your old man)
Had thought about going to Duke sport medicine but wanted to run it by here first. Did a search and Duke sport medicine came up for Graston, guess that decides it.
Get Magnificent Mobility. It’ll get those hips working. Second, be careful: there is a sciatic nerve that runs down your hip and front of thigh. Having experienced this first hand I can tell you it sucks. Felt like some one was snapping my tibia like a wishbone a few inches above the knee.