Every time I stretch my left Hamstring, I get a strong pain in my heel. this only happens to my left not to my right leg. I read somewhere that its actually something in the glutes and you have to roll on a tennis ball or something but I lost the site.
Can anyone help me. It doesnt hurt when I walk on it just when I stretch
When you are stretching your hamstring, are you dorsiflexing or plantarflexing your ankle? If you are dorsiflexing, it is likely that you just have a very tight posterior fascial line, spanning from your plantar fascia, up through your calf, hamstrings, and into your glute (and possibly even higher).
There is a slight chance that there could be a disc involvement, but more than likely it is just soft tissue.
I’d just look at the soft tissue quality of the plantar fascia, calves, hamstrings, and glutes. Roll all of those structures out and work on good ankle and hip mobility.
Okay thanks. Im dorsiflexing. Yeah its a strong pain and it feels like its about to burst. I kind of have a disc problem at the moment so maybe thats why. Thanks for the advice. Im gonna start working on all of that stuff
Strong Fascial line???
What research article do you have demonstrating ‘fascial line tightness’ has any causal effect to pain? The answer is none.
What you are experiencing is called neural tension. You are tensioning your nerves when you flex the hip, extend the knee and dorsiflex the ankle.
Simply lay on your back for a 90/90 hamstring stretch and extend your knee with a neutral ankle. As you tolerate, begin dorsiflexing you ankle. Don’t hold the stretch, on 1 second, off 1 second 2-3 times per day.
People need to realize we CANNOT CHANGE FASCIA!!! It is the most resilient tissue we have.
I guess all those sensory receptors (that can communicate pain, proprioception, and other feedback mechanisms) found in the fascia aren’t able to communicate pain when there is extra tension…I guess all the practitioners who are practicing ART, Graston, etc are just waisting their time then as well.
And what do you think is causing some of that neural tension? Could it quite possibly be the result of restricted fascia surrounding those areas?
Not interested in starting a petty internet debate, but to completely rule out the possibility of it being a fascia/soft tissue issue is pretty asinine. I’m not denying that there could be disc association (which I stated in my first post) or neural tension, but IME there is usually a soft tissue component associated with those issues.
First off, pain is not communicated by sensory receptors, end of story. I suggest catching up on current neuroscience.
If those structures are tight; can we create plastic deformation in them? No. How can you reliably impact the fascia? We can’t and never will. So stop telling the unknowing patient that a tissue is causing their pain when you cannot reliably target it.
There is also no validity to fascial therapy. How about those folks with “fascial restrictions” that don’t have pain. I also have trigger points all over but no pain.
So, no reliability, validity or good outcome studies…
Still think those ART/Graston/etc people actually know the ‘why’ behind the treatment…?
I would suggest you read here…