I am an ex powerlifter who has put on some fat since the glory days and got about 80lbs to lose…
I am going to be doing Pasquale’s Radical diet…
I have a few friends that have gotten really good results with p90X…
and it seems to be a pretty solid program with the exercises it reccomends…
Here’s the issue…In the past whenever I have done any serious balls to the wall fat burning type training(tabata, german volume training) coupled with even a slightly hypo- caloric diet I get that wanna throw up/gonna pass out/my face is pale white feeling from those type of workouts…so I feel I am going to have to opt for a less strenuous program that’s still fat burning in its objective, but not so much that on a VLCD I get that horrible reaction and am incapacitated for hours…
So with that in mind P90 is out I think…
What T-Nation based workout do you guys think I can get the most results from a fatloss perspective without this reaction while maintaining my muscle…also considering I am not doing any cardio during this time…so something that burns alot of calories…
If the way you are eating is making you feel like you’re going to pass out while training, maybe picking the right training program isn’t what you should be concerned about.
Why do you want to go VLCD? Is that really the best way to maintain muscle while trying to lose weight?
EDIT–I was going to say something about the carb cycle. Stronghold, you fucker, distract me mid-post then say what I was going to say.
Because I have had good success with the radical diet in the past…and I like the way its setup…
To rephrase…On the topic of training I am looking for a workout plan that is a good calorie burner(a program with fat burning as its objective)
that would burn enough calories considering that I am not doing cardio BUT It cant be one of these balls to the wall programs that make me feel horrible like im gonna vomit or pass out…albeit while im sitting in the gym parking lot recovering for hours…