Ozempic dosing

Anyone here jumped on ozempic and skipped the slow up taper process? Just went strait to the dose you want?

How do you know what the dose you “want” is?
If you don’t taper it you’re just gonna feel like shit.
There is a dosing schedule for a reason. If you don’t understand how the drug works you may want to not take it.


You could always ask your doctor.

No, because it wasn’t obtained that route. It wasn’t the question either.

So you don’t have the answer? Just more wana be philosophical word salad like the majority of your posts.

So you’ve made two stupid decisions.


How so?

I find this rich lol. A message board where a 1k TT trough is considered “TRT”, which also includes those same people taking multiple steroids with ridiculous doses in one cycle, having a flip about some one asking “hey any of y’all ever skipped the beginner taper of ozempic”


Hey doc! What do you think about 500mg test cycle for 3 months, with another 500mg primo, also how much tren would you recommend on top of that???

I do have an answer. When you take sema it lowers your blood sugar hence why it was created, for diabetes. When you follow the prescribed dosing schedule it is for your body to acclimatize to the drug. More is not better. The reason you need to take more is that your body needs more for the same effect eventually. If you take too much too soon you could drop your blood sugar to a dangerous level and it has a long half life so you’ll be in a world of shit for a week or so.
I have personally gotten results from .5mg/wk with no need to increase.
I can also tell you that if your using this for fat loss then tirzepatide and retaturide are both much better at that specifically.
You would prob get better answers if you came on here and asked for advice, not a shortcut.


I have read Zepbound is better for weight loss than ozempic. Just got ozempic simply because an opportunity arose in where I can obtain official brand name ozempic, rather than having to resort to the underground route.

Did you do the standard 0.25mg for 4 weeks before jumping to 0.5?

And did you personally try Zepbound and have personal comparison?

Edit: I personally was thinking of starting and staying at 0.5mg per week. Wonder if anyone else had just done that. As I really have no doubt some dudes in the body building world have done soemthing crazier than that.

Zephound is tirzepatide. It is better, yes. Reaturide is next gen and even better.

Yes, you will feel it at .25. Like i said, more isn’t better. More is just required as your body adapts.

Yes, I have used all 3 that i mentioned. Best to worst for me.
This is my experience though. We are all different and each of these drugs can work better or worse. Only way to find out is to try. But try in a responsible manner especially since this is your first time using a GLP-1.


As you’ve noticed nobody was flipping out at you. What you’ve posted above is patently false about most advice on TRT and certainly regarding any advice given about PEDs for new guys. Experienced guys can do what they want of course. This board is pretty tight as far as looking out for forum members well being when asking questions. But of course now you see that as @s.gentz kindly explained his rationale in more detail. Not sure I would have been such a gentlemen, given your response, but he’s a better man than I.


I got all the information I can that’s been said here on Google. I was wondering if anyone had first hand experience going to a direct dose rather than tapering.

Considering all of you who want to play Dr Brah on here feel free to block me and don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.

A direct question was asked, it’s as simple as that.

The last thing any roid monkey should be doing is lecturing anyone else on following official dosing protocols, especially with something like this where it’s not only is it not roids but it’s not even insulin in where a easy over dose can happen.

Everything so far here I already know and have known. It’s just as simple as that that there is a usual taper from 0.25mg a week to 2mg a week done in 4 week increments.

You mean to tell me non of you roid monkeys online bought underground ozempic and skipped at least the very first baby dose? I highly doubt that! Enjoy your 1k trough TT “TRT protocol” while lecturing me about ozempic and starting with 0.5mg per week rather than 0.25mg.

You’re a funny angry little man. I much enjoy your thread, just clarifying where you’re wrong.

You are the angry one lol. “Let me show you what a tough knowledgeable roid head I am online”

Sure pal :joy:. I kind of take that as a compliment. So thank you.


You’re acting like a dick now. Your insulting one of the most knowledgable people on this site.

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Hey man, just out of curiosity where you using this for a stage prep or just general cut? Did you suffer from any muscle wasting or increased loss over a non GLP cut?

I prob would never try it regardless as I have a sensitive gut and it’s known for making it worse. I can’t tolerate PEDs either a previously discussed, but as middle age keeps going it’s certainly harder to get lean after a winter food bulk. I’d just like to know for general knowledge what your experience was mostly in regard to the muscle issues.

General cut, but if I do compete again it will be part of it. The muscle wasting is noticed by those who don’t resistance train. For myself and others I know that have used GLP’s no muscle loss occurred.
There are many benefits to running very low doses for body recomp. The gut issues for most come into play when the diet is poor. I know some that micro dose daily and have 0 sides other than fatlos/hunger control. Few different ways to skin a cat with these drugs.

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