Your Experience With Appetite Suppresants or Fat Loss Related Agents

Let’s talk about appetite suppressants, since this is pharma section I think it is about all things whether legal or illegal that we fitness enthusiasts of the dark side make use of to help us achieve our goals.

What I’m and maybe some people too here interested in is diet/fat loss/appetite suppressing, I understand it’s been discussed thousands of times, but as times change and new people come to this forum I’d like to make a discussion about this topic.

I also understand that this is not exactly healthy, but then again this is pharma section and people here use various agents to enhance themselves for one reason or another.

Please share your experience using them, the effect you got, side effects, tolerance, problems, was it worth it and would you do them again or use them regularly.

Here is my somewhat limited experience:

  • Clenbuterol - I tolerate it so well it feels like I only experience the positives and just some annoying, but totally tolerable side effects. The benefits it gives me are: mental focus, hyper energy it actually feels unlimited, I also feel super motivated to achieve what I want and it helps a lot on cut in the gym lifting weights. The only negative is muscle cramps that are not funny… I take taurine for that and it helps, but I don’t know the exact mechanism how it works though. As far as appetite suppression it doesn’t do much to me, the fat loss is clearly at accelerated pace.
    I have tried doses from 40mcg to 140mcg, my sweet spot is 80-100mcg. Protocol I use is 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off.

  • Amphetamine and cocaine - I tolerate it pretty good, but experience some annoying sides which I don’t like. The greatest benefit what it does for me it kills my appetite, it doesn’t supress but absolutely kills it, whenever I’m high on it I look at food and say no I don’t want this and I wouldn’t eat anything even if somebody gave me money lol. The energy is awesome too and I don’t want to sleep all night long, I’ve been to clubs/bars with a friend who was high too and socialized two days in a row with girls and guys with no sleep. However it makes it harder to get quality erection and pissing is more difficult too, but sex drive increases. The comedown is the worst part, I feel very tired because I didn’t sleep and the mind plays tricks wanting more which can easily hook you up and make you addicted. The coke comedown ain’t that bad, but amphetamine is pretty intense, I feel like it’s stronger though. The nose is runny for couple days after. The doses I have tried well… sometimes a lot, sometimes not so much, I can’t say really cuz it was almost always random.

  • Cigarettes and electronic cigarettes - I’m probably gonna get roasted here, but I usually smoke on and off. It helps me good deal when cutting and makes me way more active outside of gym, it makes me more chill and relaxed and it doesn’t affect my fitness at all. It helps to curb my appetite and I can smoke or vape instead of eating, I can really get lean which is usually a struggle for me cuz my appetite is unpredictable and yes I know how to diet, I also very rarely eat junk food and avoid it as much as possible and only during social situations where I have to eat it.
    The cigarette count per day is 10-15 depending on the day. Vape juice amount is one bottle for a day and half.

  • Superdrol, anavar or winstrol - I know this is not how it should be, but it really stresses my body and I can’t really eat much even if I try, sdrol being the worst of all, anavar makes me very nauseous. Winny is better but still minor stomach problems.

  • Black coffee - helps to delay appetite for 2-3 hours and then second cup maybe 1 hour, energy drinks don’t do much for me (sugar free obviously) and they don’t hit me enough.

There are some others, but I feel like they don’t even deserve to be on the list cuz they don’t do that much for me.

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No experience with nose powder but i am on prescription Aderrall, which runs in the Amphetamine family. For the first ~12-18 months i admit i was struggling to eat enough food to even be at maintenance until the effects wore off some 18 hours later… at which point i was so f@cking hungry i would just eat whatever was in front of me. This led to a lot of late night binge-eating. Now that i have been fully adjusted to it, i have no issues with interest in food at any point while taking it. I will note, however, that if i don’t take it - i find my appetite increased pretty dramatically. I cannot comment as to whether this stems from the medication not being in my system, or just mentally knowing that it isnt in my system.

I ran one cycle of this and decided not to run another for a couple reasons… Firstly, i was (and still am) taking college classes and need to be able to focus; pairing Clen with Adderall reduced my ability to focus too much to cope with. Second, I had noticeable trembling in my hands when increasing dosages (which happens every 2 days, so f@ck me right?) and was having a hard time dealing with SoCal heat during summer AND Clen. Haven’t tried Clen without Addies because i’m still in class, but might give it a go this winter break. ALL my muscles were cramping when i was working out, so i really didnt enjoy that either. I didn’t notice anything for appetite supression - i felt like it gave me some GOOD heartburn though. Clen + Addies made sleeping a bit interesting, as one would assume :sweat_smile:

literally cannot stand black coffee, but regular coffee is a must (go ahead, bring on the hatred). I make my own cold brew so i dont have to add sugar (and who wants hot coffee in the summer??) and i’ll usually nurse it from like 4am to 9am when i eat my first ‘meal’. That being said, i could justifiably say that coffee works damn well as an appetite supressant.

I was a mongoloid and wasn’t tracking macros or bodyweight during this time so no comment on increased fat loss viability. The appetite suppression on its’ own speaks for itself though.

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At one point I was very interested in aderall, since I liked amphetamine for it’s mental focus and it’s ability to kill appetite. I actually am very interested to hear about about aderall :slight_smile:

Interesting how would it compare to amphetamine. If you don’t mind I’ll ask some questions?

  • LHow was your sleep on it before you got used to it?

  • You said 18 hours later your appetite came back, what would happen if you split the dose or increase it slightly?

  • Have you experimented with it’s use as recreational drug?

  • Any downsides, like decreased cardio or fitness in general, blood pressure, heart rate or something else you experienced?

  • Does it make you somewhat high?

  • Does it increase your confidence and anxiety especially when interacting or approaching random people?

  • Can you safely use it with moderate amount of alcohol?

  • What are the limiting factors you experienced if any, like is there something in life that you can’t do or not allowed to do because of it?

P.S english is not my primary language so excuse me if I’m not so clear or ask some questions backwards :smiley: Also if some questions are too personal just ignore them :wink:

A bit more on clen, I think for muscle cramps get taurine it really helps, I can’t explain why but without it I had ab cramps so bad that I had to do some weird exorcist walk moves in the gym lol.

I have used it multiple times in the summer it was hot too here idk 30+ celsius which I think is kinda hot even by any standards. It was ok, just warmer and more sweaty, but when I asked ppl they said they experience the same, so I guess it was in my head.

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Adderall is quite literally an amphetamine - generic compound name is amphetamine/dextroamphetamine

I’ve never had a problem falling asleep, but i have sleep apnea and hypersomnia (excessive tiredness) - which Adderall is often prescribed to fight off. If i take one too close to bed, it will keep me awake, but if i give about 8 hours after a 20mg dose (40mg is max doseage), i can still fall asleep just fine.

I actually started doing this to combat long work days and classes after work in effort to extend the duration. it was what you would expect: less appetite suppression and focus, longer duration.

nope, i dont know what people find “fun” about it, but i find myself extremely productive when taking it.

Heart rate probably has a slight increase, but nothing that is noticeable. Blood pressure slightly elevated (but mine is still typically 120/70 - 120/60). No negative impacts to cardio or any types of fitness, but i suppose it would have a short term cardio impact while you’re not used to taking it.

Maybe, but certainly not in the sense you’re thinking. I feel better on it for sure. Imagine the “high” to be more like what was in the movie “Limitless” but not quite that cool lol. During the few hours of maximum effect, i find it really hard to stop doing something i’m interested in… and the interest doesnt have to be that strong. I combat this by making sure i’m being productive when this period starts, otherwise i’ll be reading about completely useless stuff or OCD rage cleaning or something. it is VERY hard not to “squirrel” off (reference the dog in UP).

Not particularly for me but im a recluse, this is probably dependent on the person taking it. I have to learn when to shut up when taking it though - i can talk to someone else endlessly… THIS is someting i’ve noticed of myself and others who take adderall too.

I’m not much of a drinker but there is probably only a mild increased in risk combining addies and alcohol compared to coffee + liquor. I haven’t had any issues, but i haven’t actually been drunk in the better part of 5 years (i’m 27, i just dont like being drunk).

Nothing here gets in the way of me being able to do anything. It will pop on a urine screening, but that is no issue for me considering it is prescribed.

Will have to stock up on taurine before attempting another cycle then! Ab cramps are HORRIBLE bro.

Feel free to ask questions, i’ve taken a few different stims for ADHD and landed on adderall being the best one for me. Different versions work better/worse for different people. Something great for me could be horrible for you and vice-versa.


Awesome man! I can relate to the effects you feel, especially talking to strangers or people I barely know for hours, wow I’m even more interested in it than ever before. It’s like lite version of what we recreational users experience. I only do it very, very rarely though, but I catch myself sometimes thinking how awesome it is, yet I’m at least able to not hook up on it…

I would also like to ask, how is it for you with erection quality? I mean can you get it up easy and how’s your sex drive? Probably increased?

Also you said if you split the dose then you get less appetite suppression or more suppression just to clarify?

Damn I feel like I’m gonna think about it thoroughly and if it’s that awesome I might as well get it :slight_smile:

Some say that taurine is snake oil supplement, but I swear it helps and not just for me alone.
Even when I’m not on clen, if I experience cramps I take taurine 3-5 grams and it helps way more than magnesium does.

You’re cool guy, I bet in real life you’re awesome person to hang out!
and I appreciate your honest answers, you actually really helped! :v:

no differences in erections, but you’re normally laser focussed when taking them - so if something catches your eye and you can’t stop thinking about it, it’s harder to resist the urge. If you’re not focused on it, then there is no difference.

i take 20mg 2x per day, one at around 4:30 and one around 12:00. The effects are reduced on the single 20mg dose, but the duration of them is longer. So appetite supression is reduced in intensity at split doseage, but increased in how long the supression lasts - if that makes any sense.

I have no complaints about Adderall, but it does make me feel less emotional most times. The wife tells me i’m a robot more often than not, but as long as you’re able to cope with it and pull yourself out of the tunnel-focus, there shouldn’t be any issues.

Glad this helps!

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Very good to hear, I mean it really works wonders for you and that’s awesome!

I really appreciate this conversation, it’s quality and valuable information. I think it’s invaluable to talk to someone who has such experience, you really helped me! I’ll dig more in to it myself and probably then decide whether or not to get on it.

Oh, also any recommendations or some tips for newbie? Cuz I might do this without a doctor, unsure yet. Not like medical advice, but just friendly you know.

well, it will ruin your wallet without insurance so i’ll consider that tip #1 lol.

start at low doseage and see how you feel, increase doseage as needed/desired but Adderall XR has a max doseage of 40mg. more =/= better in some cases and i certainly wouldn’t push over the max doseage.

You might feel like shit on one medication and feel great on another, it really depends on you/your body, so if trying to find one to actually help you focus you should test a couple until you find the one that works best for you.

I have literally no experience using any of these recreationally so i wont give you any advice on how to do so. This is just how mine is prescribed

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Surprised you don’t have GLP-1 on this list, since that will effectively remove any hunger you have. With fewer side effects than amps and coke lol.

Anavar and winny reduce hunger? First I’m hearing that.

I think your list overall is outdated and under researched

Tell me more about this. Is it injected? Is it a stimulant in any way?

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Yes, it’s basically an overload of the glucagon like peptide that gets released after you eat, telling you that you’re full. It’s been used for decades by diabetics to control insulin levels, and the side effect was loss of hunger (and weight loss). So in higher doses it’s marketed now to fight obesity with great long term results.

Side effects are some stomach upset and constipation, but man they literally made me forget about food

Edit: not a stimulant, can sleep fine

Edit 2: Semaglutide, duraglutide, Liraglutide all different formulations if you look them up


Ah yes, I asked iron_yuppie about ozempic (which is one of these drugs). This seems like a better option if weight loss without addiction is the goal. IIRC, it works really well. My source has it, maybe I’ll order some for a cut.

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Good information, but i gotta know… how serious of a deficit were you in to find injecting something just to deal with hunger necessary…?

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I think it can be a once a week injection now that I have been refreshed.

First of all I think you misunderstood me? it’s the list of what I have tried, I said that I’ve limited experience so I made my list of what I’ve tried and my experience.

I’d like to hear your experience with glp-1 and anything else you have tried, it’s all good though.

Winny and anavar wrecks my stomach so I can’t eat much, so that’s the way they supress my appetite indirectly.

Anywhere between 500-1000, depending on day

I’ve been at 1000cal deficit for almost a month now and certainly haven’t been so hungry i felt i needed help… I mean everyone is different, but this seems like overkill IMO

I’ve heard this from some orals, but it’s their impact on the liver that does this, not your stomach. Happens with anadrol, but Var is so mild on the liver I can’t imagine it doing that (doesn’t for me, anyway).

So I’ll rephrase, if that list is based on things you’ve personally tried, it’s time to expand your repertoire :slight_smile:

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Interesting. I find hunger and cravings creeping up really no matter the deficit. Anything that removes the signal is beneficial in my book.

Some ppl (like myself) suffer (is that the right word?) from thinking about food constantly. Not even hunger, just that nagging desire to eat. I’ve never understood how regular ppl can just sit and be hungry lol. Maybe it’s a neurotransmitter thing?

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