I have been at it since I was 17 and with few exceptions always seemed to keep going .Its hard to find people my age that hit it as hard as I do , so I end up hanging out with much younger guys at the gym , but it’s hard for them to understand my situation. I’m not on gear , so I do a full body workout 3-4 times a week and going heavy and fast , problem is that I’m not recuperating fully by the end of the weekend, wake up with deep pain and I take every supplement that I can get my hands on . Is there anyone in my age group experiencing the same problem?
Come on @biker! Throw up a vid of thoae handstand push ups!
First, kudos for continuing to hit it so hard. But I don’t understand your question. You seem to be suggesting that the youngsters in the gym are compelling you (in some form or fashion) to lift in a manner that is not appropriate for your training and chronological age, and you’re not sure what to do about it. Is that correct?
You probably just need more rest and more calories.
Props for still hitting it hard. It’s paying dividends.
It’s tough to explain, I still have most of the strength and endurance I had when I was in my 40’s , but I know my body , and don’t feel I’m recuperating, my mind won’t let me scale back, which is my problem, i believe it’s my joints are worn . It might be like looking for a needle in a haystack, but just trying to find someone my age doing a similar Workout, it’s frustrating🤔
If one of the young whippersnappers at the gym said to you about his training, “I don’t feel I’m recuperating, but my mind won’t let me scale back,” and asked your advice, what would you tell him?
@EyeDentist yeah I am sorta scratching my head on a few things on this thread which probably have crossed your mind also.
Nope but I’m learning from you…
I’m only 31, but if I don’t feel fully recuperated, I take an extra day off.
I would probably tell him to quit complaining and making excuses, that’s what I’m waiting for . I have a feeling if I did this routine in the past I would have had the same problems
While ‘Suck it up, Buttercup’ is often what a young lifter needs to hear, it is not good advice for 70+ year old joints with 50+ years of wear and tear on them.
Ah–you haven’t done this routine before. So contrary to the post’s title, you’re not ‘going at it like you did when you were 40.’ And the fact that (per your admission) this routine would have given you problems regardless of your age suggests to me it’s not the routine for you. (As an aside, it’s most definitely not the routine for me either.)
If you’re committed to doing full-body workouts, consider doing them twice a week–M/Th, or T/F. If you’d rather work out 4x/week, do a split routine.
As a member of the over 70 crowd, about the only thing I would add to the foregoing posts is that at rate you’re going, get prepaid burial insurance.
I take creatine, fish oil, BCAAs, protein shakes; I split full body workout into 2 days, usually 2 days on/1 day off, so I work most body parts twice a week. That’s “usually”. Some chin ups, pushups, handstand pushups on off days. Farmers walks when I really feel good. Workout frequency and volume have dropped steadily in last 5 or so years. I stay away from the 40 something gym crowd.
I feel great.
Find another hobby to fill in days. If near water buy a kayak or go riding or something.
I forgot to add ZMA to my supplement list; magnesium and zinc work really well for me. I used Plazma until I had a prostate episode at 68.
I like zma. I get morning wood with it…
I changed to a split routine a few days ago and already feel better , chest , back , shoulders — legs , arms , mon , wed , Friday. My supplements are — bcaa’s , HMB , beta alanine creatine, Agmatine Sulfate , l glutamine, l arginine, whey protein. Cannabis based CBD, coq10 , ginger , turmeric , liquid fish oil supplements ect,ect . I worked construction and psychical jobs all my life , both knees have no cartilage, broke my femur next to my hip , 2 compression fracture vertebrae l 1-2 , and osteoarthritis in almost every joint in my body . My orthopedic doctor can’t believe I can walk without a walker, he said I wouldn’t be if it wasn’t for my years of weight training. As to my hobbies, I’m a metal artist , hike everyday on off days on high elevation gain hikes , and 6 acres to take care of
I think the advice is: you can keep strength and intensity for a good long lifetime, but volume has to be lower and lower, the more miles we have on the clock…
What’s your volume like?
PS. Love your attitude…
@76now you might be able to provide some input
Volume is still pretty high , but since I went to split I’ll see how I feel , still doing more than a lot of the younger guys in the gym . they think I’m crazy and they’re probably right