I’ll be 73 tomorrow and I’m still training hard. I have been training for more than 50 years off and on. Over the time I have developed some minor injuries, and I train around them.
I don’t use bench presses and presses (I use dips and laterals) but for the rest I have no limits regarding exercises.
I vary my training every month or so, now I’m using full body workouts, sometimes I use upper/lower body splits.
Currently I rest 60 seconds between sets, but usually I try to work down to 30 seconds; I never do any cardio, except fast walking when I’m shopping.
The pic attached is taken last summer when I used 30 seconds of rest and was on a 100% keto diet.
Hey man, just wanted to say that I admire what you have achieved! Not even .1% of the population can boast such a physique at your age. I want to be still training like you when I’m 70.
Much respect. I actually had a competitor client a while back who was 70, and if you take care of yourself, and are willing to put in the work, there no reason you Can’t still train hard as you reach your grand master years.
Your appearance is obviously out of this world. But I have to say, THIS part stuck out to me as the most impressive part of your post. We could all learn from this. Avoiding major injury and learning to train around the minor ones is such an under-respected aspect of the lifting game.