I’m 4 weeks into a test, Deca cycle and I dont really have access to anything to get my nuts restarted after. Has anybody tried 6 o-xo, or ZMA to get things going again?
If you need to know, I"m donig 300 mg of test cyp and 250 mg of deca a week and planning to stay on another 4 weeks.
I have 15 20mg Nolva tabs, but I don’t think that will get the job done.
That deca is going to be kicking in your system for at least 3 weeks after your last inject. Consider dosing higher and stoping using it sooner, it is a notoriously difficult drug to come off of, even with proper pharmaceutical therapy.
Thanks guys, I really appriciate the help.
[quote]justinp wrote:
That deca is going to be kicking in your system for at least 3 weeks after your last inject. Consider dosing higher and stoping using it sooner, it is a notoriously difficult drug to come off of, even with proper pharmaceutical therapy.[/quote]
justinp–you’ve answered a few ?s on another thread that I posted. You bring up a good point here. I’m planning on 500mg Deca, 150mg T prop, and 350 Winstrol Depot for 10 weeks.
Should I stop the Deca after 7-8 wks, stop the T after 9, and continue the Winstrol through wk 10? I’ll be using Clomid during and after. Is there anything better than Alpha Male for PCT?