Do I need anything else? I will not be purchasing hcg because despite the high talk of it through my research I’ve found it only prolongs the crash Clomid tends to do just fine. However if there is anything I need or if this is a poorly setup PCT plan please critique. I am a newbie so all suggestions are helpful.
Everyone is going to tell you to run more (or equal) test than deca, and to run the test longer than the deca. Why? Because deca is very suppressive- naturual T-levels will plummet, so if you want to avoid sexual dysfuntion, you need test (and 200-250mg/week is just maintanence levels) Also deca lingers in the system for a long time. So if you stop your test and deca at the same time and try PCT, you will have trouble. Because the deca will still be lingering and causing suppression.
The general practice is to stop deca 2 weeks before you stop test.
I have never used deca, probably never will. So I can’t give you advice from experience. All I know from reading is what I told you. So at least front-load the deca (maybe 500mg)and increase the weekly dose (maybe 250-300mg) so you can use it up in 6-8 weeks, while running your test for 8-10.
the dosage on the test and deca is more than suffice. That is enough gear for a good bulking cycle with good gains to boot.Get your ducks in a row as far as pct goes or you will grow your self a nice rack if you are not carefull.
What else are you planning on taking, suppliment wise? You will need something for your joints with that much winny and you’re not running tren. Try MSM and glucosamine.