As you can see, I have been particularly meticulous with diet. After 2 weeks of enjoyable dieting and still continuing on, I’ve realized I must go back to the bodybuilding diet if I ever want to excel gains. My question has changed from optimal bulking, to optimal lean bulking, even to fat loss, but now I really want to get down to the bottom of this. So now I’m calling CT, The Mighty Stu, and any bodybuilding coaches or successful 1st place middleweight bodybuilders to this.
Everyone has their own say about how to diet: only lean meat, vegetables, and fruits, high carb, high protein, low fat, low carb, high protein, high fat, any food as long as it’s deemed “healthy.” But there has got to be some way of dieting that all bodybuilders and all coaches agree on for maximum results whether it be low-carbing, strategic carb loads every so number of days, whatever.
All I’m saying is there has got to be some way of dieting that everybody experienced agrees on, and it’s not being followed due to lack of variety or most likely, “it just plain is crap to eat crap everyday for the rest of your life even if you have a cheat day one day out of the week.” At first I was thinking, do like Lee PriestSo, anybody out there?
And please, do not answer this unless you have ample experience, doesn’t need to be a contest bodybuilder or coach, but someone who is deep into the circle of bodybuilding and knows what is BEST to be done. my next question is how to achieve shredded-looking abs while having a bodybuilder shape but that’s for another post. Thanks to the ones who I’m looking for if they step on here and reply. I know it’s not as simple as eat, lift, heavy, rest, repeat, but I also know it shouldn’t be as mind-boggling as calculus either.