2nd cycle.
203 lbs.
~10% BF
Gained 46 lbs from last cycle, I kept ~30 lbs (apparently prime genetics). I started at 170 lbs, so I came a long way.
My last cycle I didn’t necessarily know what I was doing, but I’ve done a lot of research and studying, so I think this will be a lot better.
I have an on point diet, by a dietitian who understands my goals and “supplementation”.
Lifting 5-6 times a week - intense, on point mass gaining regime.
30 day preload:
Superdrol 30 mg
Weeks 1-10.
Test E 250 mg (2x/week)
Tren E 200 mg (2x/week)
250 IU HCG (2x/week)
0.5 mg Arimidex (ed)
50 mg T3 (Cytomel) (ed)
0.5 mg Caber (e3d)
Stop HCG 3 days before start of PCT. (I was told to do this, why?)
Run Exemestane at 25 mg for those 3 days.
Torem Citrate (weekly) - 120mg, 90mg, 90 mg, 60mg, 30mg.
Nolvadex (weekly) - 40mg, 20mg, 20mg, 10mg.
My questions:
Expected gains/results?
Potential sides? How to counteract anger from Tren? What works for you guys, etc.
Is this a proper PCT? I haven’t started the cycle yet, and I’m not ordering my PCT until I get it perfect.
Thanks guys!