Well I am only in the second week of PCT after doing my first cycle, but my mind has already started drifting to the next one! I am of the mind that if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it, so I think my second cycle will be nearly identical to my first (and very successful) try. My source is only available to seasonally, so even though I won’t be starting for a while I do need to purchase things in the near future.
Weeks 1-10: Test-E @ 250mg, twice a week
Weeks 1-12: .25mg Arimidex E3D
Weeks 13-X: Nolvadex, TBD amount based on how current PCT goes
This last cycle I ran .25mg Arimidex daily, and then dropped it down to every other day, and even that might have been too much - so I’ll try it every three days next time. Right now I’m doing 40mg of Nolva a day for two weeks, and then 20mg a day for a minimum of two weeks until normal.
Am I a wuss for not stacking something with the Test next time around? Also, without the excessive Arimidex next time, I’ll be sure to have some Nolva on hand beyond the PCT amount in case gyno somehow arises (turns out I’m less estrogen prone than I used to be).
I’d also like to thank this board for being a continued source of information and even support, even though I don’t post here a lot I am constantly reading and feeling like there are other people out there going through the same things I am. I would also like to specifically thank Contrl, who schooled my ass proper about my first cycle and made it into a rousing success.
Yeah, man, if you had a good first cycle with the test, why not introduce another compound or two? I’m dead set on incorporating tren in my next, but, depending on your goals, there are all sort of fun things you could stack with test.
Why don’t you tell us what you expect from this next cycle and we can give you a better idea of what should be done. Obviously the cycle as it stands would be good, but when you can only do a cycle two to three times a year, you should get the most bang for your buck.
Thank you for the well-worded question. This is the kind of thread people are happy to contribute to.
I would be very tempted to add in a little something extra.
It seems to me you prefer to err on the side of caution, which is wise. I think the best approach is to slowly add in more “risky” compounds as you gain experience, and of course only add in one new compound per cycle - so you know what’s doing what.
For instance, maybe you should add in a kickstart with dbol next time around. Then for your third cycle, (assuming all goes well with the dbol) you should add in some nandrolone on top of that. Of course the compounds you add in will depend on your goals…
The next logical inclusions would be something for a jump start if you wanna see gains earlier in the cycle or a secondary compound during to see how another drug would change things
Dbol or Anadrol are the most common if bulking
I guess winny if you are cutting
Deca is prob the most common if you are bulking just be sure to stop it a few weeks before the test
EQ is another good addition for bulking, again stop it a few weeks before the test.
Tren is great for big strength gains and cutting but sides are very strong so maybe not suited to a second cycle.
I really liked test, mast, and primo together but it is a little pricey (I liked 450/200/600mg/w the best…they were all enth versions so you can get away with shooting them all together 2x/w). I felt like a champion on this stack, was very strong, and actually got very lean.
You could even try to just get more out of your test by adding some proviron in towards the second half and run it into PCT. Personally I really liked proviron but be warned you will be walking around with a loaded gun all day.