I’m 22 years old, 215 pounds. I’ve mostly been doing bodyweight stuff this summer. I’ve naturally gotten to 225 lbs after incorporating weights. I really want to see how far I can push the envelope. I’ve worked out my entire life and played D-1 football for a while. Though I’m not a noob, I’m relatively new to cycles.
I really want to get things going again. I’ve had two debilitating injuries that have really hindered me these last two years. One being a broken femur, the other intense achilles tendonitis and bursitis. I’ll be honest guys: Though my last cycle was pretty short, after being an idiot and trusting my friend thinking it was a test booster, I used it for like 4 weeks as a stand alone. I never used a PCT either.
Though I felt no adverse effects, I really want to do things right this time, so please help mi amigos! =]
Could someone PLEASE help me design a TRENEVAR/TRENDIONE cycle?
- If all you had at your disposal was oral trenevar acetate/trendione, how many weeks, as a estimate, would you cycle it as a STAND ALONE? 4-6? 8?? Is it a must I incorporate DIANABOLl? This could be a lot harder to find. Perhaps I could just take HCG during the cycle, or Aromasin/Arimidex during and PCT…
2.How would you pyramid up the dosage of tren? Before I only took 50 mg a day, sometimes EOD, if I pyramid up with some intelligence, I bet I could see even more results. (From all my research, 100 mg is definitely enough for this powerful compound, but I’ve seen some guys dwarf that)!
3.how would I design a cycle that incorporated Arimidex and/or HCG during cycle, and Arimidex or Aromasin after also? I really want to avoid Nolvadex and Clomid for my pct.
However, I really like the idea of Nolva for the first 3 days of PCT as a kickstart at 60/40/20, or just saving a bottle just incase I have a gyno flare up, (which I’m not prone to).
4.I was considering taking Activate and Dymatize z-force toward the end of the cycle and for pct, how would you dose these two products (just by what’s on the back of the bottle)?
- Also included in my on cycle supplementation would be Hawthorne Berry, milk thistle, fish oil, saw palmetto, and fenugreek, anything else?
And last but not least:
- Based on what I mentioned above, does it not matter whether I choose Ultra Hot, Giant ATD, or Rebound XT for my ATI? And is Nolvadex a product I can acquire easily, if I do have a flare up?
I know it’s a lot of questions, but please bare with me guys. I know people hate it when guys come in and are ready to take a hole bunch of crap but are totally ignorant to AIs/SERNS/Cycles in general. I messed up and looked out last time, help me do things correctly this time =]