Very true. Big issue for me is that I have to stay legal, I’m a professional (not sport) and make a lot of money. Have 5 kids so I can not afford to get in trouble or wife would divorce me and I would lose my job. So I cannot legally get primo. I can legally get deca, test, hgh, stanozolol, oxandrolone and oxymetholone
I feel like primo is the only thing I want that I can’t get.
Yes but this is not the question. The question is: how much longer would YOU live without. The correct answer can only be relative but it is definitely LONGER.
I see your point about harm reduction and I think it’s good to talk about that.
Understood. Plenty of guys don’t want to go the black market route for any number of reasons.
Based on what you’re saying I think your best bet is test, oxandrolone, and HGH. Stanozolol is not what I would call a healthy drug. Ditto oxymetholone.
Oxandrolone can be run for a decent amount of time, though it may drill your lipids into the ground. It does for many. I am of the opinion that such a thing is not a major concern if it’s done only occasionally. You’re not stripping a decade off your life because your cholesterol got out of whack for eight weeks that one time when you were 42. But do it several times a year for many years in a row? Yeah, that’s a lot more concerning.
Agree, something like 12 weeks test 500 with weeks 1-4 oxandrolone at 50 mg, then weeks 10-14 repeat the oxandrolone. All while running 2-4 iu hgh
Sounds reasonable to me, you?
My plan is that once I get to a point in blasting where I just lose all my gains on trt doses, that I cease blasting. Basically I am trying to get to my “trt” potential. Once there I just don’t see the point in risking health further. Perhaps if I get sloppy, I’ll run a mini blast.
I think based on where I’m at now, I’ll be around 200-210 lean with good abs at 5’10". I don’t need to be a mass monster. Getting to 230 jacked or something just to return to 210 doesn’t seem worth it, and would be depressing.
This will eventually happen to everyone. Some keep blasting chasing size. To me that just seems a bit short sighted. I know @blshaw says he is at this point, and just runs a short blast roughly every year to maintain. I think that is wise.
Aside from what I can google what would you say the biggest downsides to primo are? Hairline is not a concern from me. How is it on lipids compared to masteron?
More lipid friendly than mast would be my guess. Additionally, it’s less androgenic based on the anecdotes of guys who have used both. Hair loss and oily skin are very common on mast, but primo seems to not have that second effect, which tells us something.
Sounds cool. I’m interested in giving it a try in place of the mast I usually use. The problem is my doctors checking my lipids quite frequently. My cholesterol values are real shit
After this thread I looked up some primo. Seems it’s expensive and more common in the 100mg/ml, which would be a lot of pinning. I saw a couple guys mention that this was the only other drug they had used besides tren where they actually gained a teeny tiny bit of lean tissue in a deficit. Idk how true it is, but seems like primo is pretty sweet if you’re looking for low sides and want something to use with test that won’t possibly leave your mind messed up.
I’m curious in dhb. Look it up if you haven’t heard of it. Supposed to be like a really strong primo or weak tren without the sides. I guess pip is unreal though. I haven’t gotten a negative review from users yet. Mpmd is negative on it, but admitted he hasn’t tried it.
I’ve read a little into that as well. Saw the same stiff you did, potent AF and truly a great drug for dem gains. Unfortunately the very few resources I have available to me don’t have it. Hell, I’m having trouble just getting test right now
DHB is an interesting one. Good brewers have figured out how to make it relatively pip-free at 100mg/ml, but it’s definitely not the rule as far as the anecdotes I’ve seen go.
As far as results…well, anyone remember the late 90’s? The home run race between Sosa and McGwire? Big Mac was using “andro”, which we know as 1-androstenedione. Andro being a prohormone converts to 1-testosterone, aka 1-dihydroboldenone…DHB. If guys were using a prohormone in doses of 1,400mg/w what does that convert to in actual DHB in the bloodstream? Oral bioavailability wasn’t too bad for 1-AD, but again, it was a prohormone. So if 20% of the dose became usable DHB then why wouldn’t using 200-300mg/w of true DHB yield good results? Probably worth exploring. I may even do just that.
I have heard that 300 is a good starting dose. Greg Doucette seems to love the stuff. Getting it isn’t that easy though. I may run it for the next blast.
Through anecdote I’ve heard it is better on hair compared to mast or primo.
I see @iron_yuppie is coming around to it, so that is promising in itself.
I’m a member of one but I haven’t been able to find any other forums. The one place I got some bunk test from one of their “major sponsors” and it’s kinda turned me off from them.