I’m two weeks out from starting my first blast. I’m 38 years old, been lifting for 5 years. Test was at 275 and have now been on TRT for 12 months. 250 mg test e weekly split over two shots. This keeps me around 850 when bloods come back. I take .5mg adex 12 hrs after each shot and have nolva on hand to cover any estro sides. I seem to be pretty sensitive to them. It took a little bit but am dialed in and my e2 has been close to 25 my last few labs. HCG @ 500 iu twice weekly as well.
Current stats
5’9” 170
7% body fat
38 years old
Here’s the blast that I’m prepping for. I’m want to do it right and am very open to critique as I value my health.
Week 1-16
Test e 600mg
Week 1-12
Deca 300mg possibly 400. Still reading about which is better 3:5 ratio or 1:2 ratio
Adex .5mg eod
Nolva as needed for nip sensitivity or lumps
HCG 500 iu twice weekly
Return to 250mg test e at end of blast.
How does this look to everyone? I’m excited to grow this fall but want to make sure I do it right. My goal is to put on 15 lbs and land at 185-90 and stay under 10%. I’ll attach some pics so you can see where I’m at currently.
Hi Jack great picts.
I got to ask why the deca with all the posts around here about deca-dick is sex something you are not worried about? I understand you are already on TRT so you are sterile with natural sperm and T shutdown. Aren’t there any other AAS that would work as well without all the sides.
I have no experience with Anabolic androgenic steroids, just never read anything good about deca. I have only used T cyp to blast. I do use peptides BPC-157 and Ipamorelin daily.
From what I understand deca can shut down your test harder than other aas by up to 70%. That said you should run it at either a 5:3 or 1:2 ratio with test. The added test should do its job to combat any libido issues. Also not running more than 2g per lb of lean body mass should keep the libido sides at bay. Deca is great for mass building and that’s what I’m after. These are the last 15 lbs that I’m interested in gaining to reach my goal physique. I’ve been a hard gainer my whole life. Started my fitness journey at around 150 and 16-20% body fat and slowly put on lbs up to 182 at a similar body fat range. Have spent the last year doing recomp and now am as lean as I want to be just need to pack on some more muscle. I have friends who have followed a similar protocol with great results and no sides as well. That pretty much sums up my thoughts. Thanks
Lookin awesome! I’d say you are definitely ready for your first blast. Most people recommend a test only first cycle but since you are on trt and know how your body reacts to test I don’t see any problem with adding a second compound. I have ran deca at the dosages you are considering with no adverse side effects sexual or otherwise. I do believe you would do great on just the 600mgs of test but if you have the deca and feel so inclined…
ive Been debating just that. I want to land around 185-190 under 10%. Don’t know if this achievable in one blast. You think it would be better to just do the 600 test e, cut any fat I gain in the three months to follow and then do the test and deca in a second blast next spring/summer? I’ve thought about dbol as another option but I don’t have access to that as of yet. Deca is already on the way, do you know what kind of shelf life/expiration it has?
I’m planning on eating at 500-750 over TDEE and will bump up protein if I go the deca route due to the increased nitrogen retention.
Go Test only first. It just makes more sense. Your probably going to cycle more in the future anyways. Might as well start with test only and then next cycle add another compound. You will see progress with 600 mg of Testosterone. Deca is a great compound for some maybe even most and a total nightmare some others. Tread lightly.
Thanks for the input. One bit of info I didn’t include. I started TRT at 150mg last sept. Doc bumped me to 200 in November, 250 in January, 360 in March, and 400 in July. I have continued only taking the 250 other than an 8 week mini blast in June and July at 360mg to “test” the waters. Pun intended. You guys think I’d still get a good jump with test only at 600 after doing the small blast at 360? Sorry for so many questions… I’m just one of those guys who wants to cover every angle beforehand to make the most out of the risk/rewards.
I suggest you go read the entire thread called Cycle Log Coming by physioLojik. Lots of good info there. He’s a competitive bodybuilder who is also a Endo and treats TRT patients. He just ran a Test/Deca cycle with great results
Wait. So 250mg test gets your TT to only 850? You seem to respond a little less than average, no?
Also, you look great, man. You’ve really put in the work and the fact that you’re obviously dialed in on diet and training means your first blast will probably be outstanding. Keep us updated once you do start.
I agree with @iron_yuppie 850 does seem low for 250mg of test but I guess that just goes to show everyone is different. I would love to have your Dr. by the way. Also to answer your question I think any fat you gain at 500-750 cal. over maintenance will be almost negligible if on 600mg of test as long as you keep doing whatever it is you are doing and the extra calories are fairly clean.
My doc always wants to measure trough levels 7 days out and wants me to take the whole dose in one shot. I won’t do that so I split the shot like normal and then skip a dose like he wants. This always makes me show falsely low. Usually around 630. I wanted to know what my levels were at without the 7 days off so had labs done at another place while taking the mini blast at 360. They came in at 1018. So I’m guessing at 250 I’m probably around 850 most of the time. Does that make sense?
I’m doing all Whole Foods, 40% carbs 40% protein and 20% fats. Six meals a day and one refeed day a week where I dial down protein a bit and double carb intake. Every other week we have a date night and I have one meal of whatever I want and can have alcohol too. That’s about it. Roughly 2000-2200 calories a day. Shooting for 203/203/45.
Is everyone in agreement that I should save the deca for my next cycle? It’ll be here on Monday but I’m sure I can just store it cool and dry for a few months. Opinions?
No, I say run it. The reason you don’t do two compounds for a first cycle is negated by the fact that you’re on TRT and thus already know how you respond to test. If you’re only adding one variable (in this case the deca) then I say go for it.
Bloods came back today and my suspicion was correct. At 250mg I’m at 871. Strangely my estrogen was at 52. I have been fine on 1mg anastrozole split with my shots on Monday and Friday for the last 6 months and have been around 25. Could this be in part to the mini blast I did at 360 in June and July? Almost like my body needs a TRT version of a PCT? Guess I’ll run 2mg per week for a little bit and see how that does? Anyone have any ideas?
IMO if you are not experiencing bad high E2 sides I would not increase the AI. Since you are back to your normal TRT injection amount your E2 will come down on its own.
Even when you do your blast I’d only up the AI you are currently taking as bad sides are felt. There are some pluses running a higher E2 while blasting like better protection for your joints. Since you should really be kicking ass at the gym while blasting your joints will need all the help you can get.
Thanks man. I’m definately having a little bloat and sore nips. I have a pea sized gyno lump that I’m affraid is permanent, and I can usually tell when I’m high as it gets a little tender.