Hello T-Nation. My name is kevin, i am in the GTA, in Ont. Canada. I have been on this site daily for a few months now and thought i’d introduce myself.
31 yrs, 6"3, 245, 18%bf, Still packing it on till around mid April. Been training for 5 years. I dont compete, who knows maybe someday, i just LOVE TO TRAIN.
The reason I am posting is to see how many T-Men are in my genereal area. I am training at a local commercial gym, and to my knowledge there is no one there with my intensity/commitment.
I am constantly amazed at the lack of intellect with most trainees around my city, i need a challenge guys. I work directly in the industry, and i am exposed to all types of people, but i tell ya, none like who are on here. So, drop me a line, perhaps we’re neighbours, plus, i could use a car pool for one of these famous seminars i have been reading about. : )
BTW, the site and articles are un-matched in my experience, I love it T-Nation, keep it coming!
Thanks for the replies guys, I’m in the Mississauga area specifically… What are your guys goals? Training scheds like? Stats? How long have you been training?
I am interested in all types of training parameters, I love the articles on here, and have used some programs as is, but mostly implemented some of the thinking/insights/tips into my own training. I have always trained for size, as a skinny 6"3 in HS i just wanted to fill out, but recently I have been interetsed in powerlifting/strongman training… any of you guys into that?
I’m from 'Sauga as well. I know what you’re talking about. Most younger guys don’t train, it’s mostly guys who work doing the 3 sets of 8 rep deal. Since I started working regular hours the gym is too busy to do GVT or 1-6, I bought a power rack and oly weights. I kinda like working out anytime I want. That being said, I sometimes get a 3 month membership to get back into the gym atmosphere.
If you want to car pool into some of the local T-Nation events, let me know.
What the fuck? I went to jaystyles and registered, is there anything to do there? It does do anything except let you order a few tshirts i’m digging the popeyes collaboration though, how do I get in on that? I’m now a member, also is anyone around aurora/newmarket?
heyo, toronto here, high park area to be specific. i go to school in london though (first year western). my goals? world class strength coach (like the kind folk on here, lol). Really into strongman training (well more like the idea of it since i live in rez), also have an Oly coach on the danforth who i see every 2 weeks while at school. since no one else is throwing in the stats ill start it out. 225 bench, 405 deadlift, 285 ATG squat, and 315 Parallel squat. workout 6 days a week right now (taking its toll). lets here some more numbers boys (and girls)!
Representing the Hammer here. I work out at a private facility where there is never more than 5 people training at a time. I’d love to learn some oly lifts though.