One Exercise For Guaranteed Wide Lats

by Gareth Sapstead

Master the Rack Chin-Up

This back-building exercise looks easy. But do it right and it's not only challenging, it'll also target your lats better than anything else.

I know what you’re thinking: rack chin-ups are easier than regular chin-ups. Well, not really. This exercise variation offers some unique advantages.

Better For Lats Than Chin-Ups?

Although they’re similar to standard chin-ups since both exercises are vertical pulling motions predominantly targeting the lats, rack chins are a better option if you want to grow your lats and develop a wider back.

This is largely due to the differences in spinal and pelvic positioning. With rack chin-ups, there’s a degree of spinal flexion and posterior pelvic tilt. This works to load your lats through a greater stretch in the bottom portion of the movement.

Compare this to chin-ups, pull-ups, and even most pulldown variations where you have a greater degree of spinal extension. Loading your muscles at greater lengths is important for muscle growth. We could argue that rack chin-ups are a superior hypertrophy exercise compared to chin-ups hanging straight down.

Using an underhand grip further adds to this. Since your lats act as an internal shoulder rotator, using an underhand grip and getting more external rotation at the shoulder joint at the bottom will stretch your lats further.

Are Rack Chin-Ups “Easier” Than Chin-Ups?

Yes and no. Rack chin-ups result in you lifting less of your body weight because your feet are on a bench. But most lifters will find them to be about as difficult as regular chin-ups. Only those who do rack chin-ups using the incorrect technique will find them easier. So, take them slowly, focus on feeling your back working, and get that full stretch at the bottom.

For muscle-building, the rack chin-up allows for a greater mind-muscle connection. It’s easier to focus on the feel during both the concentric (lifting) and eccentric (lowering) phases.

Think of it like this:

  • Regular chin-ups are an excellent performance-focused exercise that encourage lifting more weight over time, but often at the expense of the targeted feel of the exercise.
  • Rack chin-ups are less about performance and more about being a tool for bodybuilding.

Ways to Do Them

The video shows rack chins performed in a Smith machine. You can also use a bar in a regular rack (cue the gym police). The exercise also works using a suspension trainer or Olympic rings. Both work great and allow more freedom of movement around your shoulders. Could be a better option for those with cranky elbows.

Ways to Make Them Harder

The most comfortable way to add load? Use a weighted vest. An EZ-bar or sandbag across your hips can work great too. I’ve had some success placing Olympic-sized plates across my thighs. It’s a bit shaky, so take it slow.

Certain intensity techniques work really well here, too:

  • Drop Sets: Start with two heavy chains across your hips, then just one chain, then bodyweight-only to finish.
  • Extended Sets: If you can do 12 reps, start with 8-10 reps, stop and take a couple of deep breaths (around 10 seconds), and then go again for another 4-6.
  • Cluster Sets: Have a goal of 15 reps in mind, but perform this as 3 x 5 with 10-30 seconds of rest between each micro-set. The result? You’re getting more reps than a straight set with the same weight. (More info on cluster training here.)



I bet alternating vertical and horizontal versions of this exercise would be killer

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I sometimes do the horizontal version as a finisher from suspended handles. I start with my body roughly 15-20* below horizontal and finish about 15-20* above horizontal, or whatever full ROM is.

As Gareth states, I go slow and focus on contracting the lats and upper back. I’ve always been pretty strong at pull-ups / chin-ups, but man 12-15 body-weight reps of these seem to destroy me every time.

I’m going to start adding the vertical motion to my routine as well, I think these are a great idea, especially for those that find it hard to hit a target rep range with pull-ups / chins. I’d surmise that these also likely offer better transfer to full body-weight pull-ups / chins than using band assistance. Really useful for those of us who train at home and don’t have access to the high-dollar, big footprint, assistance machines.

You can actually try it as somewhat of a mechanical drop-set.

The vertical motion is a real game-changer from that more horizontal row you’re used to. As with that, focus on form and tension. It’s A LOT harder than it looks. If you need to add load then I covered some options in the article. Enjoy!

I tried this a few weeks ago for the first time. Now I’m as handsome as Gareth and have a funny accent.

No, seriously, he’s right about this being easier and yet harder. Yes, you’re using less of your bodyweight, but the targeted strict movement lights up your lats and biceps fast. I was getting 8-10 reps when I figured I’d be getting 15 or 20.


Should the elbows move in the Z plane or the Y plane? Or do both, different days or phases, or kinda in the thing called I think the scapular plane

I appreciate that you’re reading my articles. I’m open to discussing anything I’ve covered here or in the past.

But, let’s try to not take shots that are personal, or try to knock a coaches credibility. “Who is he”…“Who has he trained” - Please feel free to google me, my qualifications, my books and academic papers, and who I’ve trained (hint: my clients are on the front cover of top fitness magazines, on bodybuilding stages, and not to mention one of the best female backs on the Olympia stage for the past two years). I’m not sure what more you want for credibility but please feel free to suggest it.

Or, let’s come at it from a different angle. No, I’m not a mass monster with a huge back (which would apparently show greater credibility to you). That’s never been a personal goal of mine. But, the guy who originally came up with these, popularized these, and used these with other mass monsters, IS jacked and with a massive back.

Again, don’t know what more you’re looking for here. But please feel free to suggest topics you’d like covered in future articles :slight_smile:


I did a variation of these routinely when I was at my biggest and I dare say I had quite a big wide back in my day.

How many clicks do you think an article titled “Try this nuanced Pull-Up variation for mild back gains” would get?

I understand what you’re getting at, but I don’t really agree with faulting the author for using the same click-tactics used by every single other author out there.

I took the quotations at the beginning of this article to effectively mean ‘take whatever this says with a grain of salt’, not a hard fact… Were it a provable fact, I think it would appear less important if it were to have quotations. The quotes, in my opinion, show that this is someone voicing their opinion - admittedly, it is a bit of a cheap trick that’s likely playing off a Google Search algorithm. This is a business that needs to generate clicks for revenue. Some embellishment is going to be needed now and then. As far as embellishing goes - I think this is a pretty tame example of it, compared to many others you’d see out there (typically on competing platforms or youtube).

I would very much like to see a picture of this.

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Looking great man, well done.
I’d be interested to discuss weekly dosage for upkeeping this (perhaps at a different time) if you’re willing to.

@asmonius Wait, you’re pissed about the article’s teaser statement, which Gareth didn’t even write? Lordy, you’ve reach peak crotchy-old-fart.

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I’ve tried this move—discovered it during the pandemic when I couldn’t get to a pulldown machine—and can attest to its greatness. Very focused, intense move—and I have no problem with pull-ups. Something about the angle, and the capacity for a deep stretch make it super effective—all the more so with a vest. Thanks Gareth, love your stuff.

Yes! You have it correct.

I appreciate the kind words. I stepped away from bodybuilding as I could tell my health was starting to take a hit and if I wanted to go further that hit would become more severe. I wanted children and to see them grow up, so I changed paths. Bodybuilding will always be a love of mine and something I am passionate about keeping up with from a distance.

I definitely would not say it is the best exercise for a wide back. I think it has its place in refining and helping width, but you can’t replace heavy rows, deads, etc. that I attribute to most of my back size. Now, I will say this exercise is better for your body long term :smiley: considering I have had a multi level fusion in my lower back at the age of 35 - wore the discs smooth out, completely gone bewtween L5/S1 and L5/L4.

Everything always has a price sadly.

I am doing extremely well - better than I deserve. A beautiful loving wife, 2 healthy young children, and blessed financially. Hope you are well also!

Thanks Andrew!

Exactly as you say, very focused and intense move. When it’s done right it’s very humbling.

A whole BUNCH of people who do DC use these as their main width exercise.

But, to claim it is the “greatest” back width exercise is not outrageous.

The “contenders” are going to be some kind of Pull up. Not pulldown. This is a form of pull-up. Not an outrageous claim.

Let’s look at some evidence. I don’t believe that EMG is the be all, end all. I also believe that each person is different. But that being said…look at the results from BCs EMG studies:

So someone saying “this is the best width exercise” (and allowing for some attention getting hyperbole) is not outrageous at all. In fact, an inverse feet elevated ROW scored high for Lat activation. What if the angle was more towards a vertical pull?

Regarding bicep peak, regional activation (distal v. proximal) differences through different exercises are well evidenced now. The “can’t do it” is really what is the outdated information.

Larry Scott changed his bicep training, and he definitely improved the peak of his biceps.

None of this “proves” anything. It just evidences. Which goes away from “definitively not correct”.

All back exercises with weight will build back muscles. This recommended program might be the best for width. I have sure past my muscle building days, but I sure would have given the program a try.

All that said, wide lats relaxed is one thing. But once you are on stage your ability to get great range of motion of your scapula makes possible to do a freaky most muscular and some super wide lat spreads. Those with great scapula control can move there lats wider in as many as 3 stages, with each stage wider than the previous. Those who cannot control their scapula struggle with disappointing lat spreads and even double biceps poses.

I don’t believe Larry Scott is near the best example for someone changing the biceps peak. Either picture above stands close to the VERY best arms ever. His attachments were a pure genetic gift. If his biceps got bigger the only place to grow is up. With his wrist turned to maximize the biceps flex… still no gap, at all, between biceps and forearm.

How does one progress with this beyond bodyweight? It seems like I’d be switching this out by the 2nd training day because I’d have eclipsed the top end of the rep-range.

I don’t think this comes first over Rack Pulls, DB Rows, BB Rows, or even most Machine Row variants - and it certainly isn’t one of the heaviest back exercises.

I can see times/places where I’d use this as an accessory, but this doesn’t align with DC training at all.

The ability to add/remove weight “on the fly” is a strength, not a weakness. Weight is placed in the lap, which can then be dumped for additional reps. For what it is worth-it looks easier than a conventional chin, but isn’t as easy as it looks.

Regarding it being “first”-my point is that it is not an outrageous assertion, given the nature of the exercise, and given the other “high” lat emg activity exercises. The last exercise shown in “peak’ activation is basically the same exercise, at a “bad’ angle for lat activation (optimal line of force is off for lats). I think exercises being “best” are individual, and highly dependent on what the goal is. I also think that EMG doesn’t prove an exercise is “number 1”, but it does strongly evidence that the exercise is going to be effective for many people. Again…the point is it is not outrageous to say the exercise is “best” if one is going to pick a best exercise

Regarding “doesn’t align with DC training”…. Any research or even casual inquiry into DC training is going to show that statement is incorrect. That’s the only way I can put it. A quick Google of “DC training – Rack Chins” or even “Rack Chins” will net you a bunch of DC context with rack chins. It is “the” go-to width exercise for many people who do “it” (DC training).

I’m pretty sure we’re talking about a different “DC Training”. If the one you’re talking about isn’t “DoggCrapp”, then you can ignore my last post.