I have for some time now being playing around with routines (Blatant training add lol). I also quite often have to work out at home, with work (shift & night patterns) & family commitments. I have over the time because of this brought a lot of stuff like plates etc and it’s all working out nicely.
The biggest problem i have is that i like to do one body part a day. I enjoy it a lot, i feel i can put all that intensity into that one group and i never used to be this way. Before i could do 2-3 muscle groups per workout and feel fine but now i can’t do that effectively as i am giving my all to that first muscle group.
Is there such a problem with this? Will i be hindering my gains by just picking a rested muscle group and going for it without it all planned out on paper?
[quote]Sawinwright wrote:
Is there such a problem with this? Will i be hindering my gains by just picking a rested muscle group and going for it without it all planned out on paper?