OMC - (Old Mans Cycle)

I’m 41 years old, Male, 6", 204lbs, 19% BF. I quit smoking last year and started going to the gym so I wouldn’t gain to much weight, well I started lifting and fell in love with that incredible feeling of being pumped up. My only regret is that I didn’t start when I was a much younger man, it’s really hard for me to get the strentgh and pumps that the younger guys in the gym are getting. I am on “T” replacement therapy so I have a Rx for Test (cypionate) and luckily I have a doctor that is understanding and willing to work with me to a certain degree if you know what I mean, LOL !!! I first used the cypionate several months ago at 1cc per week for 10 weeks, I noticed some small strength and size gains but a lot was water retention. My wife of course loved me using “T” at first but now she is thinking I should hire some parttime help so she can get some sleep during the week, I have never been so horny in all my life.

Anyway, sorry I strayed from the main subject. My Doc has increased my Rx to 1cc (200 mg) every three days for a rough average of 2cc (400 mg) per week. I know that I am to old to ever compete a bodybuilder, but I would love to be able to take my shirt of and look the part. I want to get HUGE, lean mass of course but I need some advice from you guys on how to best use the “T” that I have since it is legally available to me, and/or also recommendations of items that would be of benefit for me to stack with it. Keep in mind I have never used any anabolics before so my knowledge base is nill. I have looked at the suppliers list and have a list of sourced, I just don’t know what would be of the most benifit for me. Sorry for the long post, but in closing I just want to say that I have really enjoyed my membership and the reading of informational discussion given on both the board and the site, Thanx