Olympic Weightlifting Info

Hi Everyone:

I am new to this forum, my greetings:-)I have been hanging around this forum for quite some time now. Thanks to the guys who put some really good information. It was great help.

I am looking for information on Olympic Weightlifting techniques etc. I have been strength training for close to two years now, but I want to start olympic weightlifting to gain more functional strength.

So, if any of you could guide me to resources on this; any books or website etc that can help me with the right info is greatly appreciated.

I also came across the web to “The Weightlifting Encyclopedia”. If anyone has read this book, please be kind to share your opinion with me. Is it a good buy?

Bald Eagle

I was in a similar position with you a few months ago, before i picked up CT’s “black book” which can be purchased through T-Nation. its highly recommended and has a solid beginner’s oly program.

still yet, many more experianced olifters than i will say you will need to find a coach.

use the search function here and put in those 2 magic words and you’ll find a variety of things.

the renegade had an article on power cleans, Staley has a solid article on snatches, Dan john is also a great resource and i’ve ordered (but not yet received) his oly lifting DVD (damn test fest…ordered that a month ago)which i hear is quite good

Coach Dan Jon is to training the olympic lifts what Obi Wan Kanobi is to Jedi training.
His free book “From the Ground Up” can be down loaded from his web site. His DVD of the same title is a gold mine of good scoop.
Following what Coach Dan Jan advises will get you to the elite levels of lifting.
His advice for beginners is rock solid.
He is almost one stop shopping when it comes to olympic lifting. I haven’t found what the next best source is yet after a year of following his advice.
Good luck, jim

With all due respect to the writers here, I would begin with “The Snatch, the Clean And Jerk” by R.A. Roman and “Weightlifting and Training Technique” which covers excerpts from the (Biomechanics of weightlifting exercises) by Ilya Pavlovich Zhekov. Sections by Medvedyev, Roman, Varbanov, Kanyevsky. This is an excellent book detailing the training and technique of weightlifting.

Both books can be found either at Dave Tate’s site or by running a search for the Sportivny Press and going to their website.

[quote]bald_eagle wrote:
Hi Everyone:

I am new to this forum, my greetings:-)I have been hanging around this forum for quite some time now. Thanks to the guys who put some really good information. It was great help.

I am looking for information on Olympic Weightlifting techniques etc. I have been strength training for close to two years now, but I want to start olympic weightlifting to gain more functional strength.

So, if any of you could guide me to resources on this; any books or website etc that can help me with the right info is greatly appreciated.

I also came across the web to “The Weightlifting Encyclopedia”. If anyone has read this book, please be kind to share your opinion with me. Is it a good buy?

Bald Eagle[/quote]

I have a copy of the weightlifting encyclopedia and it is a very useful book.

If by the Weightlifting Encyclopedia you mean Art Dreschler’s book, it is quite good. Its very comprehensive, and certainly worth owning.

find a coach near you…thats the best thing you can do

Click on the first link. Read at least three times.

Yes, I second the vote for Dan John. I improved my lifts with his information and he has the clearest explanations.

Tommy Kono has a great book on olympic lifting. Google his name.

I also trained with Carl Miller in Santa Fe, NM. The guy was former United States and World Team Coach. He taught me to shrug myself under the bar. He just published a book that Tommy Kono, Harvey Newton, Frank Spellman, and Al Vermeil praise. He has an old book on Olympic lifting he published when he came back from the Soviet Union.


I just started training the lifts at Carl’s gym a couple weeks ago; small world!

When did you train with him?

Thanks “TBC” for the link for Coach Dan John. I read the beginning and found it quite informative. As some others also suggested, I have hooked up with a coach, will begin soon practising the lifts with his instruction.

I will check other resources also mentioned soon. Thanks guys for your input.

Please keep the suggestions coming:)



By Weightlifting Encyclopedia, I meant the book by Art Dreschler;

thanks for your input


Thanks for your suggestions. Sportivny press seems to have lot of info

Ditto on anything by Dan John. Check out Coach Mike Burgener’s site too:
This site is a great resource and the ‘links’ section will point you to even more informative O-lifting sites.


Are you the Master’s Champ? With the Split Style? Really small world. I trained and worked for Carl about 2 years ago in Santa Fe, NM.

I left to take a position in Idaho.

Ask Carl or Shane if they remember Mike. That place was a blast.

kane, thanks for suggesting “black book”. Doing the search on those words gave me a lot of info.

Al172, thanks for suggesting the name of Tommy Kono. The guy is just a maverick looking at the records.

Rob, thanks for Mike Burgener’s site. There is good info.

Thanks to all who gave their input, if someone has more suggestions, kindly share :slight_smile:


[quote]Eric Talmant wrote:
With all due respect to the writers here, I would begin with “The Snatch, the Clean And Jerk” by R.A. Roman and “Weightlifting and Training Technique” which covers excerpts from the (Biomechanics of weightlifting exercises) by Ilya Pavlovich Zhekov. [/quote]

I love direct, precise quotes. YOu type 'em in a search engine and get straight to the horses-mouth so to speak. I typed that in, and found a couple of new resources, which I thought I’d post in the hope that some others might also find them useful:



(same site, different articles…obviously a lot more there)



Find a coach…see my post for details


Thanks ‘WiZlon’ for the links. I had checked the eleiko and iwf sites before. I found a lot of interesting articles from the Sportivny Press.

Thanks ‘StrongMan’ for the suggestion and the link. Reading your link, I can say you are one lucky fellow. I am already looking for a coach because I felt that reading articles does not replace a coach who can show one the little intricacies that one misses out otherwise yet reading articles supplements the information one has.

Great info posted. I was just about to start a thread on olympic lifting until I came across this.

I’m also interested in olympic weightlifting and have come across the russian manuals listed on http://www.elitefts.com

There is another book listed by Roman titled “The training of the weightlifter”. Is it as good as the other two listed from elitefts.com?

Upon searching IronMind’s site, I came across the following:

Olympic-style Weightlifting Beg./Int. Manual & DVD Set
by Jim Schmitz
" The back room of any establishment is usually closer to the heart of things than what’s out on public display–and at the old Sports Palace gym in San Francisco, the back room was whre the weightlifters hung out. Most of the top Americans from the 1970s and 1980s at least passed through that gym, as well as some big-name international guys, and that was where Jim Schmitz, the owner, held court. Schmitz left a track record that included 10 lifters–like Ken Patera, Bruce Wilhelm, and Mario Martinez–on 7 Olympic teams, and he was the U.S. Olympic coach three times, more than anyone other than York Barbell founder Bob Hoffman. For beginners and intermediate lifters, learning how to snatch and clean and jerk isn’t always the easiest thing, and especially if you don’t have access to a really good live coach, here’s the way to go. Learn the lifts from Jim Schmitz and you’ll be learning from the best. About 2-1/2 hr., NTSC format (sorry, not available in PAL)."

Here is a review of the manual and DVD:
List of lifts covered:
* Snatch
* Power Snatch
* Hang Power Snatch
* Snatch High Pull
* Clean & Jerk
* Snatch Deadlift and Shrug
* Clean High Pull
* Power Clean
* Hang Power Clean
* Clean Deadlift and Shrug
* Push Press
* Push Jerk
* Jerk
* Back Squat
* Front Squat
* Overhead Squat
* Bench press
* Incline Bench Press
* Military Press

Was wondering if anyone else had come across the manual and DVD and if it is worth buying.