Having trained in a number of gyms, I’ve seen people do some incredibly rude things. I thought I’d throw up some general etiquette rules when doing the Olympic lifts:
- Do not stand directly in front of someone doing a lift.
- If someone is taking a heavy lift, don’t make noise and don’t take a lift yourself. Wait.
- Ask before you try to share a platform with someone.
- Share the platform unless its already too crowded!
- Don’t load only small plates… if you can put reds and blues on, do so. Its better for the equipment.
- Don’t stand a bar on its end to unload plates unless you own the bar.
- Don’t take 5 minute to do anything on a platform if you are sharing it.
- If you are using blocks, try not to drop the weight onto them too hard.
- Don’t talk about how you are ‘more than strong enough’ to hit a weight. You aren’t if you can’t hit it.
- Don’t do anything but an Olympic back squat! Powerlifting squats don’t count, nor do any other variation!
- Do not offer coaching or technique advice unless asked or unless recognized as a coach in the gym. Especially do not try to correct a higher level lifter without permission.
- Following up on the last… if someone misses a lift, “You’ll get it next time” or “I think you’ve got this” is fine. Telling them what you think went wrong is not unless they ask.
- Be positive. This sport has more failure in it than almost any other, and negative attitudes are contagious. On the other hand, positive attitudes make everyone want to lift more.