I’ve been searching on this site for a few weeks now here and there looking for a program that successfully meshes olympic style lifting with football training. Something that incorporates snatches, push jerks, split jerks, power cleans, full cleans, etc. along with the usual squats, front squats, bench presses, etc.
Also, I’m not satisfied with my speed, but more importantly, I don’t feel I have the quickness, agility, or just overall foot speed that I want.
One of my limiting factors is…I’m just not that strong. I only squat around 1.8x my bodyweight and my bench is probably around 1.2-1.3x my bodyweight. Power Snatch is around…155 though, which I’m a little disappointed with and my clean is only at around 230, though mostly because I’ve yet to master catching the bar low enough to add more weight.
I’ve been olympic lifting for about 2 years now and my coach actually has competed in some olympic lifting competitions, so my form is probably better than most high school football players.
Basically what I’m looking for is a program that incorporates all of these into one periodized program.
Can anyone recommmend a program that progressively incorporates all these aspects?
Also, anyone with a program for pre-hab of the shoulder girdle, ankles, and any other major joints.
And…maybe an agility/speed program as well that’s tied INTO the lifting portion of the program?
Sorry, I know this is a lot to ask, I’m just kinda frustrated and I want to get started.