Greetings Forum, Lately I’ve been enjoying the splendor of using O-lifts,Forgotten lifts, Super Multi-jointed, and my most favorite, the complexes. Using these as my core I supplement with more typical bodybuilding born exercises. I wanted to move toward even more hypertrophy specific training. I don’t want to give up my lifts. I typically train in a 5X5 but i was thinking slightly less weight and a 4 set 8-10 rep scheme. Anyone have any input on wether this is a promising experiment, or tell me the truth if you think i’ll just be spinning my wheels. Thanks all advice considered and Coach John D. if you are out there i’d really like to hear from you thanks!
Why not just keep the Olympic lift reps low and set high, and train for hypertrophy on the other exercises? Also remember that hypertrophy is more about surplus eating.
start simplier (ie 4 x 6 reps @ 55-65% intensity) with core / multiple joint movements. Movements that are more isolated move that intensity up to 75% with 12 reps. How many times per week are you doing your strength work? I look forward to hearing from you. In faith, Coach Davies
I usually find myself training 4 times a week(mon,tue,thur,sat) and On every day I do some sort of olympic lift. Shoulders(Mon)-Clean and Press, and power clean, On occasion Snatches Legs(Tues) Squats(Front and Back), Back(thur) Pull-ups, Deadlifts, Bent-over rows, and Chest and Arms(Sat)- Bench Press flat and incline, and a variety of curls. I included only major O lifts and i am doing some isolation specific exercises(not to many though just because of the volume) please suggest a rep scheme and intensity level for both major and minor lifts(please give me my O lift intensity PLEASE) Hope to hear from you soon, thanks - Buck