Sick of all the lame threads about cutting at 155lbs?
Sick of TBT vs Splits bullshit?
This forum is getting pretty gay and i’m inspired by big peeled fuckers and truthfully i do feel a bit puffy and none vascular at my wopping 210lbs. THINK I’M GOING TO QUIT AND DIET DOWN FOR SUMMER?
Fuck no, i’m too tall to cut yet and w/out the muscle maturity/density of guys like Stu and 1morerep. I will manipulate my carbs and bump the protein to maintain a leaner BF% = or less than 15% but i will not abandon my goal of 230lbs before leaning out!!!
Anyway, Olympia will be sick this year.
Dexter from what i gather is looking sharp as always. Jay might shock us all and win #3. Phil is going to win it’s just a matter of when and how soon. Kai might be the biggest and conditioned on the stage, if you can make Phil seem smaller than you are a big fucker. Victor’s legs and conditioning are the only thing keeping him from an O. Wolf’s time off might be a blessing, if he can bring up his calves and come in full who knows!
That’s the top 5 right there Dex, Jay, Kai, Phil, Vic, and Wolf. Evan will be top three in three years.
My pic’s Phil, Kai, Dexter in that order unless Jay fucking does some crazy shit and wins! I’d like to see Kai win but that’s simply because i like him the most, i’m a Kai nutthugger.