Old school weight loss

It appears, from the results of this study, that the old school bodybuilders may have been right all along.
Easy to moderate activity, rather than frantic bouts of HIIT may have been the best way to shed those pounds…

Studies about weight loss and exercise mostly prove nothing. These types of studies probably mean less. Prisoners have been starved and subsequently lost weight without any exercise modality. Calories are the salient issue. Intensity has been overrated in exercise. As regards intensity and cardiovascular conditioning training:

  1. mitochondria are the providers of energy needs of human cells
  2. cardio volume builds more mitochondria
  3. cardio intensity builds better function of such organelles
  4. cardio improves blood vessels which provide oxygen and nutrients
  5. cardio improves lung function to provide a better place for an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Little correct cardiovascular conditioning is likely needed for health purposes,and even less is likely needed for weight loss.

On the matter of intensity in exercise being overrated…that I can agree with you…

This has me puzzled. Have you changed your mind about the importance of proper cardiovascular conditioning?

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I read that to mean that he feels that the overall volume of cardio required for health is not as high as is often prescribed (150 min per week).

Correct me if I am wrong @atp_4_me (as I am sure you will).


I try to keep updated on cardiovascular conditioning! Empirically speaking, many have reached ripe old age, and their exercise routine consisted of walking to the grocery store, church services, along with the many manual chores performed daily. Bodily training is good for a little!

You are correct

From my experience, contest conditioning can be accomplished by changing only the diet.