[quote]mr11percent wrote:
Thanks for such a detailed response happydog and KSman, very informative.
KSman wrote:
You cannot simply add a small amount of testosterone to boost what you have as your body will reduce your own production to maintain where you are. To increase T levels, you need to take enough to replace your own production, then more to increase levels. This does mean HPTA shutdown and you will have shrinking testicles and a tight scrotum unless you do hCG injections.
What you are doing is nuts without having your serum E2 lab numbers. You also need to report age, height, weight, estimated %BF, fat patterns and weight if you are expecting insightful responses.
Sorry about not posting these earlier…
Age: 22
Height: 5’4".5
Weight: 130lbs
Bodyfat: ~11%
When I asked my Endo about testing my Estrogen levels before I had the second test done he said I didn’t need to have them done because I didn’t have any female characteristics, ie: breasts, lack of facial hair, etc.
But I’ll definitely get them check this time, especially what I know now about Androgel’s effects on them.
KSman wrote: That small dose of transdermal T may make you feel worse than now as it will probably increase E2 and SHBG, lowering FT over time.
I certainly hope not, but I have noticed my nipples are feeling a little sensitive today (3rd day) on the gel.
KSman wrote: Optimal TRT/HRT is T, AI - arimidex/anastrozole (aromatase inhibitor to lower E2 level) and hCG self injections to maintain the testicles. T+AI+hCG
I’m going to call me doc tomorrow and see if he will prescribe me these. If not then I am looking elsewhere (ie…new doc)
KSman wrote: Get copies of your labs keep them.
Again thank you both for posting, it helps me out a lot.[/quote]
You are quite lean and some of the T–>E conversion issues relative to fat mass will not be a driving issue.
The big problem with E2 will be effects on mood, energy and libido.
At your age, it it very important to maintain your testes for several reasons. hCG, 250iu SC (injected under the skin) EOD (every other day), works well and there is good research to support that dosing.
Getting the right doctor is the critical success factor. If you go shopping, some might consider that you do not need anything at all.
Note that long term and short term effects can be very different, all the more so with transdermal (TD) T. Short term effects can be very good, but transient. Be aware that TDs sometimes do not work well at all for some. If can be good but skin can get rashy. May work well at first, but the effects of the T on the skin may significantly stop absorption.
Guys who have thyroid problems are famous for collectively not been able to absorb TD T.
Do not make conclusions about how great anything is until 2 or 3 months have passed. Some have a sex drive for a month or so that is very very strong. If you get that, enjoy, but it does not last for a few reasons. You may need the understanding of a female partner as things change. If she can be understanding 3 times a day, that would be good too
Some will need to inject, which is not all bad, and can be done with very small insulin needles as an option as well. hCG must be injected. Injecting hCG and doing TD testosterone to avoid injecting is sort of insane. Injecting can be a hard thing to contemplate, but many have walked that road and it is not so bad.
Injectable T costs are trivial compared to TDs.
For those that exercise, sweat and shower a lot, transdermals are simply not going to work out. Those who do physical labor may also sweat off their TD dose.
Optimal results, as far as libido is concerned, seems to be with E2 in the lower 20s (0-53 pg/ml). Anastrozole can be use to control E2. With E2 changes, libido seems to be one of the fastest acting changes and something also best perceived. So libido, happily, seems to be the best barometer for how E2 changes are working. It also seems, no one has bothered to state otherwise, that when one libido is highest, one’s sense of well-being seems to also be best. Libido seems to be the best guide to ones TRT/libido.
E can kill everything. With T alone, one can have TT, FT, DHT above normal range, and feel like crap across many dimensions, and have fat pattern and other adverse signs. Keep T the same and reduce E2 and everything changes. E control can be the critical success factor. T alone can mean nothing. When E kills T effects, mental, energy and libido, androgenic effects can still be strong, more hair growth, faster hair growth, anabolic effects. The different effects are impacted differently by elevated E.
How has this condition evolved? What did you notice and what was lost. PM if you prefer.