A Motivated Workout.
Yeah baby it sure was. I got to the gym today and there was a group of lifters doing their strongman training day. Man sleds, yokes, tanks, only thing missing was the prowler or big stones.
Then a couple of Special Olympians were training too. Watching their enthusiasm was more motivating.
So I did a set of old fashioned deep knee bends for 12 repetitions. These get the blood flowing and I can stretch.
Then to power cleans to further the warming up process. Sets of 5 with light weight, 85 lbs. 105, then 125. I do my workouts in sweat shirts so I do burn some extra and stay warm. I weighed the shirt at the beginning and it was slightly under a pound.
So now for high bar squats. I did these for the first time in years just 3 weeks ago. I mean prior to that I last did them when George H was in the White House. So I did sets of 8 with 115, 135, then 155 and now I feel ready for the meat of the workout.
Now for a drumroll please.
Front squats with a safety squat bar. These are awesome, and good for someone with my limited flexibility. So I did sets of 5 with the bar, 125, 145, and 165. Then 3 sets of 3 with 220, and no belt throughout. I do not even pack my belt anymore leaving it at home in the box with my squat suits, bench shirts, wraps, and list of what my wife likes for presents. Hey I am prepared that way.
Finishing these I was invited outside. They were almost done with their yoke work and wanted to know if I would try it. You know even as old as I am I occasionally cave into peer pressure. So for the first time in my 227 years on this planet I get under the yoke and actually walk with it. I covered a whopping 6 feet with the 400 lbs and no belt. Once I got moving it started to move and screwed me up. I will try it again sometime.
Then instead of deadlifts or Romanian deadlifts, I hit the hand over hand sled pull. We pull the sled across the floor of the leg room, using a thick rope, and weight. It covers a distance of about 40 feet. The twisting motion hits the trunk of the body, the pulling hits the lats, and the hand over hand is pure arm strength. First time I pull it pretty well, with only 110 lbs on the sled. Then I do it again with 165 lbs on the sled. Then I do a third set with 190 on the sled. I must be nuts.
So finish off the back with 3 sets of T bar rows. I load the bar with 50 lbs, then 100 lbs, then 135 for 8 reps each. Man my back is feeling huge and the motivation of watching 2 of the strong men really fired me up. These guys did 8 reps with 6 of the 45 lb plates on the bar, and a 100 lb plate. Guess I caved in again.
Then I finish off with my vertical crunches 4 sets of 20 with the green bands then out of there.
I will pay for this tomorrow I know it.