This log is to keep myself accountable and to learn a few things from people who know a whole lot more then I do. I’ve been snooping around these forums and the LiveSpill like crazy and reading just about anything Dave Tate wrote. I’m not going to post any pictures because that would be pointless seeing as how I have nothing special to show. My stats are:
22 years old
5’ 9"
142.5 lbs. (down from the 147 I’ve been for forever)
BF% is around 8percent right now. I’ve never been above 12 before. I tend to loose weight pretty easily.
I just graduated (degree in Television and Radio Production) and I’m studying to be a personal trainer now. The way the body works interests me and I want to see how I can manipulate it to make it look the way I want.
My diet hasn’t changed much until recently. I decided that I want to put on some size for as long as I can and then cut down. My family and I are going to see my sister in Florida on December 22nd and that is when I am going to reach my goal of a solid cut. I tried to eat as much and as clean as possible for the last few weeks to add some weight, lost 5 pounds in the process. I’ve got all of my training and most of my diet written down in a big-ass notebook and I will post it tomorrow along with what, at the moment, is what I plan on being my training program.
I’ve been lifting on and off for the last few years and I’m sick of doing nothing. The last few weeks my car has been off the road so I have only been able to train here and there. So I’ve been reading the LiveSpill’s and old articles and coming up with a training schedule. I’ve decided to use a Pull-Push-Legs-Rest split. After reading all the stuff that Thib’s has been putting up, I’m not sure if I want to use any of the eccentric-less training or the activation training because I’m thinking that it might complicate things to much. I may throw some activation training in there just for the pure experimentation.
I’m looking for people to help me. I know that means hard work, I’m used to it. I know that means being criticized, I’m ready for it. I don’t really have a support system around here except for a friend who just left for UVM and one other person, neither of which are into anything exercise related so they don’t understand it at all.
But what I got is determination.