Ok to Refrigerate Surge For a Day?

Unfortunately the gym was closed today (labor day in Morocco and apparently the rest of the world other than the US) and I have already mixed up my Surge/creatine.

Is there any reason why I can’t just put it in the fridge and use it tomorrow morning?

It’s just sugar and protein. I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be ok.

You will go bald if you do this.

Surge would survive just fine. Creatine will not.

haha…I already shave my head so baldness isn’t a problem :slight_smile:

So if the creatine won’t last, should I just add more before I go?

the creatine will convert to creatinine if left in a liquid to long.

Ok, well I just started adding the creatine to my Surge so no big deal to start taking it when I get back from the gym instead. However, for tomorrow, I assume no ill effects of using the Surge/creatine and then I can just take more creatine when I get back from the gym? I am currently in Morocco and the Surge was not easy to get so I’m pretty hesitant to waste it…

[quote]allenkt wrote:
Ok, well I just started adding the creatine to my Surge so no big deal to start taking it when I get back from the gym instead. However, for tomorrow, I assume no ill effects of using the Surge/creatine and then I can just take more creatine when I get back from the gym? I am currently in Morocco and the Surge was not easy to get so I’m pretty hesitant to waste it…[/quote]

No ill effects. It’ll be stupid to waste good Surge.

Or just drink it and go do a shitload of bodyweight exercises. Improvise man!