I’m looking for a little information about how many carbs/protein/fats are in certain foods.
I’ve been lifting for 8 months and currently following CW’s ABBH programs. I’ve gained some wieght and added quite a bit of poundage to my lifts but I think my diet needs to be tweeked. I’ve read about the C+P and C+F meals try to eat clean most of the time but I would like to disect more details about what I’m eating. For example when I eat salmon with a batter or whole wheat pasta with lean ground beef in it or put brown sugar on my oatmeal what numbers of carbs/fat/protein am I comsuming. I gain wieght easily on my torso but my arms and legs have always been skinny. I’m 5’9" and 185 but still feel small. My goal is to put on quite a bit of lean muscle mass.