hey fellas, i just went to an endocronologist yesterday because i reacently got my Testosterone levels checked which came back to be 416 total and 12 free. my thyroid levels were also low but i didnt get the exact numbers on that. a little bit of background information:
-im 20 yrs old, 5’11", 190 lbs
-was in a serious auto accident 3 years ago where i broke my back, messed up a disk and suffered some head trauma
-since then was diagnosed a manic depressant, have had a huge loss of energy, have had a very bad attitude towards life, sex drive/libido comes and goes
-started lifting about 2 years ago and saw great gains in the first 6 months and strength and size have pretty much stopped since then. i have a very good diet in order so im not too worried about that
-i have great difficulties paying attention and retaining information anymore, i never had these problems before
-my nipples have become a bit puffy in the last year or so that ive noticed
overall i just dont feel like a 20 year old should. after speaking to the endocronologist about this, he thinks its somethin just in my head and that i was basically trying to get steroids off of him and that all the information ive gotten off of here is bullshit. im going to get more blood work done tomorrow morning but he is NOT going to check my estradoil levels, even after i asked him to. What do you guys think of this?
I can sure sympathize with you on the frustration of it all. How did you get into seeing the endo? Did you have a referral from your regular doc or did you just make an appointment and go? The reason I ask is because most people I think that go to endos were sent by their regular doc. If that is the case with you then it must have been for a reason and not “to get steroids off of him”. I can’t get my doctor to refer me to one despite being on TRT and thyroid replacement!
Did your regular doc order the blood work or did the endo? I am also going through the same thing with my doctor. I asked about my estradiol, aromatization, etc., and he looked at me like I was crazy. When I started talking to him using the terminology I have learned on here and other places I think it made him upset that I might know what is going on.
One thing you can do is what I did today. Join Life Extension Foundation (Google it on the web) and do your own blood tests. I am going to pay to have my own estradiol test. It’s only $33.
I’m no expert on TRT, but I would think being in the 400’s for total T at the age of 20 would be low. Why you are having sore nipples could be from high estradiol. Are you currently taking any TRT? If not, I’m not sure what it could be. Some of your symptoms could be associated with low T or high E. For some doctors when total T is in the 400’s they think that is normal range. It might not be for you.
I would get some hard numbers on what your thyroid is putting out. Check TSH, T3, T4 Free to see what is going on. I just had my thyroid taken out three weeks ago and didn’t get replacement medication until two days ago. I started to feel very strange and not myself. If you are slipping into hypothyroidism your body will slow down, along with many other symptoms, and it will have an impact on your training.
There are many men on this forum that can offer excellent advice. KSman has been a big help to me on answering questions like this. Do some reading on your own to help “seal the deal” before your next appointment.
Your endo has quite the attitude, huh? I guess he thinks that you couldn’t get steroids from somewhere else if you wanted to, if in fact that was your desire for training enhancement rather than your health? What a jerk.
You mentioning the head trauma made me remember an article a read about over a year ago. I found the article, but it’s in Dutch so it won’t do much good.
Anyway, the article mentions that a blow to the head can damage the pituitary gland , the pituitary stalk or dislocate it from the turkish sadle.
And this can cause all sorts of hormonal imbalances.
[quote]Wreckless wrote:
You mentioning the head trauma made me remember an article a read about over a year ago. I found the article, but it’s in Dutch so it won’t do much good.
Anyway, the article mentions that a blow to the head can damage the pituitary gland , the pituitary stalk or dislocate it from the turkish sadle.
And this can cause all sorts of hormonal imbalances.[/quote]
That’s a good point. My doctor told me that when someone has hypogonadism and hypothyroidism then an MRI needs to be done the brain to look at the pituitary gland to see if there is a tumor on it or something pressed against it.
Your T-level being in the 400’s wouldn’t classify you as hypogonadal. Check on your thyroid numbers and see what the doc says.
Your T-level being in the 400’s wouldn’t classify you as hypogonadal. Check on your thyroid numbers and see what the doc says.
This wasn’t a concern when you met with the endo?[/quote]
For a 20 year old, a T level in the low 400’s is awfull. He WILL be completely hypogonadal by the time he is 30. Guaranteed, matter of fact.
He can spend the next ten years of his 20’s, the prime of his life, steering towards hypogonadism, probably never reaching his full potential as an adult. Or, he can do something about it.
Most endocrinologists are completely in the dark about HRT. I know more than most of them, and Ive only been researching it for maybe 6 months or so. They are just not cutting edge. Most medical professionals are not.
You need to look into an anti aging doctor. Check your inbox.
we actually talked about the petuitary gland becaused i asked him if perhaps it could have been damaged. he said it was highly unlikely because if it was i would be extremely sick by now but hes not gonna wave it out. he also said my thyroid numbers werent what he would have expected so were going to look a bit further into that as well. he refused to check my estraiol levels though.