Hi everyone, im new to the forums but ive been a long time Tnation reader. I’m a 22 year old with low test and symptoms of low sex drive, gynecomastia, soft erections, social and generalized anxiety, low drive and motivation. I also don’t recover from lifting well and have a low tolerance for exercise. I feel like I get worn down easily and sometimes have hot flashes especially during the night. Here are my stats and thank you in advance for any help or feedback!
Age: 22
Height: 5’8"
Waist: 32-34"
Weight: 173 lb
Describe body and facial hair: Good leg hair, hairy around nipples. Little to no chest and back hair and not much facial hair and very patchy. Pretty bad diagnosed Gyno.
Describe where you carry fat and how changed: Carry fat on back, chest, arms, and love handles, recently have been gaining lots of weight.
Health conditions, symptoms: None
Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs ever: Ive taken adderal and lexapro when I was about 18 for anxiety/concentration issues but I didn’t like it and quit. Was on a small dose for a few weeks. I have never tried pro-hormones, steroids, or any ergogenic aids other than pre-workouts and creatine which I have regularly used for years.
Describe diet [some create substantial damage with starvation diets]: I have always ate to gain weight and bulk and have usually stayed around 8-10% but the past year Ive shot up to 17%. High protein diet, with as much organics as I can (since ive gotten my first low test results) lots of fruits and vegetables with just a little fast food now and then. But overall mainly clean whole foods. I should add that after my first low test result ive been eating a very clean organic nutrient dense diet and added in vitamins and paid better attention to getting more sleep all in hopes of optimizing my natural production. I still eat fast food when in a bind though.
Describe training [some ruin there hormones by over training]: Trained for about 5 years, don’t put on much strength or mass even on caloric surplus with decently clean food, started with 5 day split, moved to 5/3/1 seriously for 1.5 years and now Im on 3 day week starting strength program for the past couple of months.
Testes ache, ever, with a fever?: Only a few times but im pretty sure it was from my pants.
How have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed: Ive always had soft erections for as long as I can remember and have always had trouble maintaining erections. Very low libido. Nocturnal erections are usually present but they are always the weakest. Erection doesn’t even stand up.
I started having pain in my left breast tissue a couple months ago and I went to see a GP where I was diagnosed with gynecomastia. I requested a Testosterone test just for my own interests and the results were: (also my gyno pain has subsided about a month ago)
May 21, 2012
Testosterone, Free: 58.8 (35-155)
Testosterone, Total, LC/MS/MS: 394 (250-1100)
(test was done around 3pm)
They weren’t sure what to do about my Gyno so I was referred to a surgeon. He showed me my test results and when I acted shocked at how low they were he assured me I was “within range” . I decided to wait on the surgery until I got my hormones sorted out and went to a urologist. I brought with me some information showing research and average Test levels by age group to support my case but he didn’t pay much attention to it and said I was “within range” I pushed harder on the symptoms and when he saw my gyno he did further tests:
(test was done upon waking at 8am) June 12, 2012
Testosterone, Free: 96.0 pg/ml (35.0-155.0)
Testosterone, Total, LC/MS/MS: 563 (250-1100)
TSH: 5.30 mIU/L (0.40-4.50) HIGH
T3, Free: 3.3 pg/mL (2.3-4.2)
T4, Free: 1.2 ng/dL (0.8-1.8)
Prolactin: 18.1 ng/mL (2.0-18.0) HIGH
HCG, Total, QN: <2 mIU/mL (<5)
Estradiol: 31 pg/mL (<OR=39)
FSH: 3.2 mIU/mL (1.6-8.0)
LH: (when they sent me the results this was cut off by the copy machine, doc didn’t say it was out of range but wouldn’t give me the number)
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel:
NA: 141 mEq/L (136-145)
K: 4.2 mEq/L (3.5-5.1)
CL: 103 mEq/L (98-107)
ALB: 4.0 g/dl (3.5-5.0)
TPROT: 6.9 g/dl (6.4-8.3)
A/G: 1.4 No units listed (0.8-2.0)
ALK: 69 U/L (30-130)
ALT: 25 U/L (10-60)
AST: 25 U/L (15-50)
CA: 8.8 mg/dl (8.5-10.5)
BUN: 22 mg/dl (5-20) High
B/C RATIO: 25.5 (10.0-20.0) High
GLU: 86 mg/dl (70-105)
TBILI: 0.6 mg/dl (0.1-1.2)
CO2: 27.6 mEq/L (25.0-33.0)
GREAT-IDMS: 0.85 mg/dl (0.66-1.25)
eGFR: >60 mL/min/1.73m2 (<60)
Ive talked to him by phone about the results and he says he’s been talking to a endo and researching symptoms of Tamoxifen. He wants to do further research on the symptoms of it and he might recommend trying it for the gyno. He also suggested I see someone else about my TSH being so high since he doesn’t seem to know much about that.
Do you guys think trying the tamoxifen would be a good idea or is there a better approach? Im really trying to get my E2 down and Test production up but if I could get rid of the gyno without surgery that would be great to. Please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions for me. Also sorry for the wall of text and any errors I made I am new to this site but I am trying my best to learn it all and get up to speed.
Thank you!