Anyone here ever try combining Nootropics (smart drugs) with their training? A couple of years ago, I was on a “stack” of Hydergine, Nootropil, and Vinpocentine, and I felt like God. Considering how much of a role your neurological system plays in development, my guess is that a stack like this might be beneficial? Any experiences?
Nootropil has helped some with my coordination, I’ll give it that. Jump roping has become easier since I started it.
Do you guys know where I might obtain such drugs?
I am writing an article for a different mag on this topic right now. I LOVE nootropics preworkout, or in the morning to get going. I would reccomend Tyrosine, Vinpocetine, Phosphatidylcholine, Bacopa (better the longer you take it), Huperzine (sublingually), and DMAE. One way to do it is to add Vinpo/Huper/Bacopa to a serving of Power Drive.
Try I absolutely loved the feelings I had when I was on them previously. I really felt like God, and like I was the most perfect person in the universe. I got into working out after I ran out of those, and figured that maybe they would be helpful. I really know what you mean about “Getting going” with those.
I’ve gotten excellent results with Power Drive. I experience decreased anxiety, increased focus, and heightened awareness of my body and its surroundings. I don’t notice its effects until I run out. Then I get sluggish and foggy. Good stuff, and when coupled with the kick of MD6 (second formula), I feel absolutely wonderful. Cardio slips by and I’m done before I know it.
I like Staley’s advice about mixing with club soda instead of water, I noticed the first time I tried it that it hit quicker and harder.
How does Bacopa work?
Since you are writing a book, I though I mention that tecnically what you mentioned qualifies as supplements. By nootropics people usually mean drugs, e.g. aniracetam, puritinol, hygergine etc. I take those supplements myself and find them beneficial, however I saw no benefit fromsmart drugs, except for l-deprenyl.
Bacopa has some good research behind it, although most studies were done on rats. The human studies were done on alzheimers patients, and Bacopa was able to improve their memory to a statisticaly significant level. Research suggests that it can be a T4 stimulator (41%) increase in output at high dosages, an antioxidant, anti ulcerogenic (gastric) and more. One good human study last year found this:
The chronic effects of an extract of Bacopa monniera (Brahmi) on cognitive function in healthy human subjects. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2001 Aug;156(4):481-4
“significantly improved speed of visual information processing measured by the IT task, learning rate and memory consolidation measured by the AVLT (P<0.05), and state anxiety (P<0.001) compared to placebo, with maximal effects evident after 12 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that B. monniera may improve higher order cognitive processes that are critically dependent on the input of information from our environment such as learning and memory.”
To Nick: As far as me writing a book, if you are referring to that post a while back, that was a joke by a jackass buddy, as was the post I followed it with about his “pre-workout anabolic ball-tickling theory”. I write a monthly column on training and nutrition for a magazine nobody has ever heard of. It has a readership of about 3 (including me and my dyslexic ferrot), but hey gotta start somewhere. My understanding is that “nootropics” aren’t specificaly considered drugs or OTC’s, they can be either as long as they have direct action on the brain and cognitive function. The original post did include OTC’s which is why I responded as such.
So are there any bad side effects to these smart drugs/supplements?
Thanks Marc!
I tried a couple of so called smart drugs several years ago. Didn’t notice much. Power Drive helps much more in my experience. Wish it would have been around when I was in college!
Jeacl ever hear of Power Drive?!
uh, I meant “Hey Jack” not Jcul or whatever I wrote. I type fast and as you have all seen almost never proof read.
Sammy if you meant bacopa, I use 800mg 1-2x/day
MolsonMan: possibly some psychological dependancy. Any withdrawal from using nootropics would not be physical, more like quitting coffee.