Non-Treadmill Cardio Alternatives?

I hate running on a treadmill for a half hour. It’s boring as sin unless there is a hot girl in front of you on another machine. Anyways, I have seen some mention of things like GRP or something instead of cardio?? What can I do that will get my heart rate up the same and wont kill muscle gain, but still give me increase in my cardiovascular strength? Thanks for your help in advance.


I hate running. I do like walking on an incline, but I can’t stand running and all that crap.

I love putting body weight exercises and band work in circuits to get my heart going and help facilitate recovery.

The other day I did a simple quick circuit just to move a bit:

Body weight squat x10
Push ups x10
Band Good morning x10
Band Pull apart x10
repeat 5 times, no rest.

None of the movements are super intense, the whole thing took 10 mins and was way more fun than doing crap on a treadmill.

Check out this article I posted on my blog:


Look up burpees and squat thrust too.

[quote]ronin45 wrote:
I hate running on a treadmill for a half hour. It’s boring as sin unless there is a hot girl in front of you on another machine. Anyways, I have seen some mention of things like GRP or something instead of cardio?? What can I do that will get my heart rate up the same and wont kill muscle gain, but still give me increase in my cardiovascular strength? Thanks for your help in advance.[/quote]

GPP? That stands for General Physical Preparedness and refers to exercises like medicine ball throws, sled dragging, tire flipping, shuttle sprints, etc. Basically anything that involves a lot of different muscles and is done at a rapid rate with short rest periods.

You can make up your own complexes and sequences in the gym or in your backyard. Try “Bears” for instance: Clean the bar, front squat, overhead press to behind the neck, back squat, push press, lower the bar. That’s one rep. Do that 10-12 times at a quick pace and see how it compares to your treadmill. 8^)

Complexes are hard as fuck and it really gives you a good workout. I’m trying to find a replacement of HIIT sprints and steady state cardio to help burn fat. I haven’t been doing it for that long, but we’ll see.

I do a complex that someone made on here(one of the authors)

8reps of

deadlift, romanian dead, bent row, power cleans, high pull, mill press, squat, front squat.

So 8 reps each exercise without putting the BB down, then repeat as much as you can in 10-15 minutes.

Jump rope! It’s funner than running; give it a shot.

I’ve done all of the above. I’d also like to recommend alternating between high reps sets of swings and snatches w/ monitored rest periods if you can get your hands on a kettlebell.

Sled dragging, sandbag complexes, wheel barrow pushing, hill sprints, Prowler, car pushing/pulling, and Tabata with sandbags or DBs.


-has some good ideas

running or rowing 400s and 200s,(do around 8 a session) will melt the fat off while preserving muscle

stair stepper. its stinking tough if you do level 15 plus. sounds gay but its legit

thanks guys. I really love jumping rope, but I have really bad ankles and it pretty much murders my feet. Or I would just run like 5 miles a day. I love how running makes you feel, but staring at a wall is so dull. Thanks again for all the great info guys.

Oh and I will for sure try the monkey sex. I am pretty down for that.

Also. how long should I do circuits or rather how many should I do to get a full fat burning affect?

[quote]ronin45 wrote:
Also. how long should I do circuits or rather how many should I do to get a full fat burning affect?[/quote]

If done with proper intensity, you can probably do 10-15 minutes worth and get a really nice fat burning/EPOC kick.

nice nice. thanks guys.

Hey, I need the same kind of help…

What are circuits?

  • total nooby mcnoobpants

Circuits are a series of exercises usually performed one after another with little-to-no rest in between.

Do a search.

play lacrosse? basketball? sled pulling? riding a bike? any sports? paintball?

if you have a game plan 30 minutes on a treadmill can go by damn fast. try to do a simple interval workout:

40 seconds high intensity.
1:20 sec low intensity.

repeat for 10 intervals.

that’s 20 minutes. tack on a 5 minute warm-up and a 5 minute cool down and it’s a half hour.

it will go by quickly because you have a plan and need to watch the clock and your heart rate.

i used to think i couldn’t use a treadmill more than five minutes without wanting to throttle something until i used it for intervals…i’ll still always go outside whenever possible.

30 mins of cardio?
damn i usually do around 20 minutes max but its an all out run!!!