Non-T music?

I agree with chrisr. “Layla and other assorted love songs” and anything by Cream…this is not mellow. It’s just good.

You can’t call Thelonious Monk or Van Morrison “non-T” exactly…

It’s not workout music though.

Some decent taste in music here. EXCEPT for Justin Trousersnake, that guy sucks the snotty end IMO. But he seems like a nice guy. BTW I haven’t noticed any gay bashing here Dave.

Relax? Never heard of the word. lol
I listen to a lot of Jazz to relax, old stuff, like herbie hancock, miles davis and the like.

Jazz, specailly the old guys-miles, armstrong, ellington, parker, coltrane, etc. Love the blues, and classical - shostastovich, beethoven (9th symph.), 2001 soundtrack…some phillip glass…

I dig chick music.

The Sundays

Yeah Yeah Yeah

Tracy Champman

10,000 Maniacs

Aphex twin is great, Smashing Pumpkins,
Coil, a little NIN, and a dose of white noise or Enya does the trick. Then again there’s also a relaxing mood from Dead Can Dance, and even a song or two from Velvet Acid Christ.
Mans man points? I’m glad I don’t need a points system to showcase my masculinity.

  • Dito Jeep69

Relaxing music? The Doors, Grateful Dead, The Cure (Bloodflowers is the only really relaxing one, the others are just damn depressing or non-relaxing), tribal stuff (ex-step-mom was 1/4 Cherokee), instrumental jazz and bebop.
I’m too eclectic…

I can’t believe no one said Frank Sinatra unless i missed it.

Any of Mariah Carey’ old stuff does it for me, she may have gone wacko but the girl can sing

Norah Jones. Best music to relax to and also good for use with women…

Pantera or BLS unplugged works for me :slight_smile:

They dont come out with much nowadays but I stand by my Boyz II men. Best voices ever to live in my opinion.

Coldplay, Dave Matthews, Ben Harper, plus a lot of the “unplugged” albums are good

I listen to death metal to relax. I don’t bother listening to anything when I train because I wouldn’t even hear it.

to get pumped up -311
to relax -311
to have fun -311
to gain perspective -311

I second BradTGIF’s selections. But I’m all about the classical station (and NPR) when in the car.

Sidebar: at my gym at 5:00am, it’s usually Top 40 in the weight room, and there’s an ongoing game among the regulars where you try to be the first person to identify the artist when a song comes on. Every few minutes there’s a burst of syllables, which promotes camaraderie, then it goes quiet again (usually) as guys continue their sets. Funny.

hell yeah vegita i went to 311 day in new orleans. they are prob my favorite band next to alice in chains. lumberjak said some good ones too…sublime, floyd. old radiohead is good too.

As far as what I listen to in the car…

Sports Radio… I’m fucking addicted. I don’t watch much TV and I’m up way too early to be coherent enough to understand Spotscenter at that hour. With Baseball getting underway and Hockey and Baskeball playoffs and the draft coming up in 8 days there is just too much stuff going on not to pay attention.

“Sports sports sports sports sports…”

-Homer Simpson

Eric clapton unplugged, third eye blind, guster, sublime, bob marley, jack johnson, oar, bob seger, tragically hip… the list goes on, i listen to just about every genre of music.

you guys need to check out thes etwo bands. they are considered post rock and i have seen them both live. amazing stuff.

Explosions in the sky (from texas)
Godspeed you black Emperor (from canada)
Belle and Sebastian (wales I think)

awesome chill out music! def take my advice on this one!