In case I never get a chance, I would just like to say "Thanks" for all the great training advice you have provided over the years. (After all Santa could be watching!)
But seriously, when I think of all the quality information I have obtained from you, starting back in the Ironmag days, and from your posts at DrSquat and GoHeavy, then onto CharlieFrancis and now here at T-mag, it is quite astounding.
All I can say is "Thanks man". You deserve nothing less than absolute success.
I’ll add to that. I have only been around this site for about 6 months now and the amount of info and education I received from CT’s articles and posts is amazing. I learned how to correct so may mistakes that I have been making the past 10 years of working out. I thought I knew what I was doing but I was sadly wrong.
CT you were right “The Other Snatch” is the shit. Its my favorite exercise of all time.
I’ll third this post. Thank’s CT for all your generous open sharing of your training knowledge, and happy holidays.