ok i saw the great thread about atari now i’m just remembering some of the nintendo games…any body remember ecsike bike, track and field, ninga gadien, gi joes, contra, tennis, little league baseball, those were most of my fav’s! anyone else have some fav’s of there own??
The original Ice Hockey by Nintendo. That amused me to no end.
oh yeah i can’t believe i for got these mario brothers, zelda and commando.
bad dudes, double dragon, legend of zelda, Track and Field.
yeah double dragon was alot of fun too, that also reminds me that ninja turtles was a realy fun one too! damn talk about bringing back good memories.
Bo Jackson Baseball!
Baseball Stars was the ultimate baseball game. I still play that on an emulator.
The Techmo Football games are awesome, too. Still play those on occasion!
Mike Tyson’s Punchout as well.
u r all pussies, contra is wot nintendo was all about.
Speaking of Contra, Contra III Owns.
yup contra and contra 2 both kicked a$$!
My buddies and I skipped many a class (or day of classes) in college to have tournaments.
Other noteworthy selections: RBI, Metroid, RC Pro Am, Track and Field, Golgo 13, all Zeldas, Goal, and SuperSpike V-ball.
I could go on and on and on.
I got addicted to Dragon Warrior, that and Final Fantasy, I loved those games, the old NES was great, so was the SNES though, I don’t know what happened to the N64
wow thats another one that i realy loved was the super spike v ball…i played that over and over and over again…i loved how you could power a spike or a block and blast the other guy away…hahaha…great game…metroid was a realy good one too just wasn’t very good at that one, but my older bro was.
Blaster Master (Sunsoft) was cool too. Ninja Gaiden also. And, inevitably, Final Fantasy. =0)
Super Mario Kart. Perhaps the greatest racing game ever made.
Crach Bandicoot racing on the PS is a close second.
NES is the shit.
It’s all about the Megamans… 2 through 4 particularly.
hey spiderman wasn’t mario cart racing on super nintindo?
i mean super mario cart?? my bad
damn, i guess theres just too many too name cause i remember having a blast playing the mega mans from 1 through 4
great games…
oops i mean too many games to name, damn mondays hahaha