Try sitting back more…from the start on your decent it looks like your top half is already folding over, which makes it hard to lead with the chest out of the hole. Keep your head up, and chest high…elbows down and on your way up DRIVE THROUGH your heels and lead with your chest.
Posture is one of my worst attributes, working out and not. I’ll work on that. It’s funny because when I’m there, I feel like I’m straight and tall, but apparently not.
I’ll tape my next squat and keep this in mind, hopefully my body will follow.
blah!!! I’d love to see your bids but my internet is so crap it won’t even begin to show em
video are great learning tools! its pretty hard to be able to tell how your form is on your own. I guess eventually you get a decent idea, but i like taping pretty much as much as i can- i have loads of failure vids too that i watch of me bottoming out or whatever spazz that happens…and the good ones are great for cheering you on
Believe me, you don’t wanna see the vid haha
146 is the heaviest I went (well without failing) so I guess it’s not bad that I at least went parallel but my posture is shit. I think I’ll get a broomstick and practice throughout the day. I always have the posture spot on until I get a heavy weight, which is why I do that many warm up reps, hoping that my body will just remember. But 120+ comes along and it becomes crap.
This is the first time I used the video feature on my camera and now I love it, so I look forward to my next session. I’ll tape my next DLs too b/c I never did RDLs, only SLDLs and it’ll be great to tape them and get advice from the ladies here.
Eh, I’m no Bruce Lee, my feet are up vertically on the wall for those push ups. But it’s my favorite upper body exercise, especially for my shoulders.
Squat More of a Squat 101. Finally got my posture right; my grandfather (who’s my workout partner for the next week) pointed it out right away and I did some reps with a stick, chest high and looking forward. For the BB reps, I kept the form the same… about damn time. I’ll just wait to see if form stays the same when I get the weights up there
Yeah I was told that a couple times, I don’t in any way doubt her. My form is actually spot on with weights under 100 but when I get to higher weights, I like to look down for some reason then my form turns to shit.
I have 5.5 and 11 pound plates that I add to my 45s.
Thank you. It is a lot better when I have just the bar or under 100 lbs but I’m like “I’m not wasting these poor women’s time watching me squat a bar.” So I decided to tape 146, a weight that I’ve never done before but I learned a lot from.
I’m going to practice the squats everyday to drill it in to my brain/body “Ok, this is how you do it regardless of whether you’re squatting your BW or a broomstick.”
I had to relearn squating like a lot of people here and dropping the weight down to 50-60lbs was such an ego buster. But I learned what proper depth Felt Like and then moved onwards to heavier weights. A little birdy once told me vids don’t lie - use it to educate yourself and you’ll blast right through.
Thanks Nlmain. I do love the videos now, I can’t wait to tape my squats on Monday b/c I’m sure that I’ll do a lot better. I won’t be carb-starved and I’m taking my creatine again, so I’m hoping that Monday will be my best squat workout yet.
Right now my legs hurt like a bitch, but I do the same thing as MiM and squat throughout the day, just picking up random things.
Thanks, that means a TON coming from Strongwoman like you
Yeah, it’s awesome training with him. It’s even better that he was a bodybuilding competitor in his ‘golden years’, with a 400+ squat. He’s a small dude too, probably 5’6. I learned a lot from him, he’s very patient when it comes to working out. Shit, showing me how to do squats probably requires a lot of patience.