Hi everyone.
I’ve been lurking and have wanted to start a log for awhile and almost started one over on the sister site but I like the atmosphere and comaraderie over here a lot better. I’m hoping that by keeping a log here, I will push myself harder to get stronger. I think all of you are really strong and I’m a bit intimidated…but that might be just what I need. : )
I’m 45 (I turn 46 next month), married, with a 6 yr. old daughter. It wasn’t until I had my daughter and I weighed in at 200 lbs. (I’m 5’ 4") that I really got serious about working out and losing that baby weight. First with a bodybuilding-type workout and then I got into Stronglifts 5x5 and discovered squatting and deadlifting. Then, I got hooked on pushing myself on heavier weights.
I’m 125 lbs. and I’m currently on the Anabolic Diet which I love. I’m still trying to structure my workouts around it by trying to lift in the beginning part of the week when I’m coming off my refeed and doing cardio and lighter weights at the end of the week when my I’m carb-depleted.
My short-term goals:
To squat 150 lbs. for 1x5 (I’m currently at 135). Long-term: 195 lbs.
To deadlift 200 lbs. for 1x5 (I’m currently at 175) Long-term: 250 lbs.
To bench 100 lbs. for 1x5 (I’m at 5x5x85 - I’m so weak at bench-it has always been my weakest area) The bench is a big one for me. Even by doing the 5x5 program, I just barely hit 90 lbs. after a year. Long-term: 135 lbs. Geez, is that even possible?? I’d like to think it’s in the realm of possibility. : )
I think I’ve rambled enough and will post workouts later on.