Nick Nolte on 48 Hours

Did anyone see Nick Nolte on 48 Hours on CBS? This friggin’ guy had a GNC at his house, it was ridiculous. He had so many different supplements that it was to the point of absurd. He does all this crap, but he still smokes. They showed Twinlab Grass Clippings Fuel…errr…Tribulus Fuel in his arsenal. I guess he hasn’t heard of Tribex. This guy is a nut.

Nick Nolte actually uses steroids, if I remember corrently he uses Deca and testosterone enanth. amongst others.

Why is he nuts? Geez, the guy is a millionare!!No matter what his supplement budget is, I bet comparatively to the average American salary, precentage wise he doesnt spend as much as anyone else. Now, I agree, he may need some supplement lessons. Twinlabs Lawn Clippings Fuel is a waste of cash no matter what your salary is compared to Biotest Tribex!!!