Great speech.
If you’re going to pick up on anti-climate change voices in the UK media, there are many many better people than Nick Griffin. The man is almost universally hated within his own country, being the leader of a party (BNP- British National Party) that has some very dodgy political views - its a proper fascist party. Griffin has said homosexuality is disgusting, said that someone who is ‘coloured’ cannot be a proper Briton (that’s me out then), denied that the Holocaust exists and said that the world media is controlled by the Jews. There are many other people who doubt climate change in Britain who are better to quote than him.
[quote]Bambi wrote:
If you’re going to pick up on anti-climate change voices in the UK media, there are many many better people than Nick Griffin. The man is almost universally hated within his own country, being the leader of a party (BNP- British National Party) that has some very dodgy political views - its a proper fascist party. Griffin has said homosexuality is disgusting, said that someone who is ‘coloured’ cannot be a proper Briton (that’s me out then), denied that the Holocaust exists and said that the world media is controlled by the Jews. There are many other people who doubt climate change in Britain who are better to quote than him.[/quote]
Could you provide an example of one of the BNP’s “proper fascist” planks?
Or were the other things you wrote intended to serve as such?
Perhaps there’s a reason why I chose to use Mr. Griffin in this thread. I’ll confess: I happen to be a supporter, from across the pond. I also think it was a good soundbite, and he’s one of very few public figures articulating that point of view in the EU.
Dude the man denied the holocaust. He shared a platform with david duke, who was the leader of the KKK. Here’s a quote for you
â??The controllers of Hollywood, almost entirely Jewish. Some ‘ANTI-SEMITISM’ MAY BE PROVOKED BY THE ACTIONS OF CERTAIN JEWS THEMSELVES and thereby have a RATIONAL BASISâ?? (capitals mine own)
On immigration: â??All black people will be repatriated, even if they were born here. â?? (circa. 2001)
that’s a link to him denying the holocaust
Short of posting him in a brownshirt, what more can I say?
[quote]Bambi wrote:
Dude the man denied the holocaust. He shared a platform with david duke, who was the leader of the KKK. Here’s a quote for you
â??The controllers of Hollywood, almost entirely Jewish. Some ‘ANTI-SEMITISM’ MAY BE PROVOKED BY THE ACTIONS OF CERTAIN JEWS THEMSELVES and thereby have a RATIONAL BASISâ?? (capitals mine own)
On immigration: â??All black people will be repatriated, even if they were born here. â?? (circa. 2001)
Short of posting him in a brownshirt, what more can I say?[/quote]
I have seen that clip before, and am not nearly as disturbed by it as you are. I think he handled himself admirably.
He denied the use of gas chambers as mass extermination devices while acknowledging that many thousands of Jews were killed during the war. This position is endorsed by a number of revisionist historians.
Based on what he stated there it is likely that he is skeptical of the official Holocaust account - as I am - but does not necessarily deny it altogether.
David Duke isn’t a bad guy, either. Even Murray Rothbard, a famous Jewish libertarian economist in the US, wrote an article praising Duke:
If we (and by that I mean the indigenous white populations of Commonwealth nations) can’t put our support behind conservative white men, then who exactly are we to support? Liberal traitors and useful idiots? Or immigrants, who represent their own ethnic interests?
If not Nick Griffin and his BNP, who is the logical choice for conservative Britons (by which I mean ethnic Britons, by which I mean white Anglo-Saxons)? Can you answer that honestly?
As far as Jews controlling the media, I’d say that’s quite accurate here in the States. As well as the court system, academia, and much of the government. It’s a statistical fact. Everyone knows they’re disproportionately represented in these fields.
Well mate I wouldn’t know I’m half Italian and have been on the receiving end of BNP bully boys when in York, been told that my olive skin was a disgrace to Britain and to pack off home. If they were in power I would have to leave despite the fact my mother is Scottish. I’m not going to argue with you anymore but that is my view
EDIT and my mother is Jewish so I would be royally screwed. Maybe we can manipulate the media, you know, as we control it and all with googly Jewish pincers
nominal prospect is a supporter of one of the most despised racist men in britain.
I could have guessed by the iron cross in your avatar that you were a fascist.And I also see you’ve posted a link to stormfront.A great forum for intelligent discussion among redneck retards.I looked in the Ireland section once where I saw about 7 threads started by people saying they were sickened by the sight of interracial couples walking around Dublin.Ignorant retards.
Just so you know,if you start using Nick Griffin and his kind as credible representatives of an opinion,you can be sure people will start to ignore you.
Fortunately there are actually also intelligent people who are sceptical about global warming.
[quote]wigsa wrote:
I could have guessed by the iron cross in your avatar that you were a fascist.And I also see you’ve posted a link to stormfront.A great forum for intelligent discussion among redneck retards.[/quote]
Sure, there are retards on Stormfront just as there are on this forum. I’ve yet to find a popular debate forum without them. Stormfront is an interesting board board filled with good conservative people. People who believe the right things and talk about issues that matter. That’s why I read it. I could [mostly] say the same about the T-Nation political forum.
[quote]wigsa wrote:
I looked in the Ireland section once where I saw about 7 threads started by people saying they were sickened by the sight of interracial couples walking around Dublin.Ignorant retards.[/quote]
I fail to see the ignorance.
If all or the majority of Irish marry Africans, there won’t be any true “Irish” left after a generation. Perhaps Irish natives - oh, how insensitive of them - wouldn’t want such a scenario to occur?
If the Irish can’t stand up for the Irish, then who can and who will? Mind answering that one?
[quote]wigsa wrote:
Just so you know,if you start using Nick Griffin and his kind as credible representatives of an opinion,you can be sure people will start to ignore you.[/quote]
Yes indeed, I can be sure that precisely the right types of people will ignore me. Which is the reason I like to bring up Mr. Griffin often.
White, native Britons who profess a hate for the BNP and Nick Griffin disgust me.
I’ll tell you what, there is something far more vile and despicable than a fascist. Do you know what I’m speaking of?
Militant, self-righteous “anti-fascists” and “anti-racists”, of course. Useful idiots for the leftwing globalist elite, they are the scum of the earth.
[quote]Bambi wrote:
Well mate I wouldn’t know I’m half Italian and have been on the receiving end of BNP bully boys when in York, been told that my olive skin was a disgrace to Britain and to pack off home. If they were in power I would have to leave despite the fact my mother is Scottish. I’m not going to argue with you anymore but that is my view[/quote]
BNP or no BNP, so long as there remains a majority of white people in the UK, other ethnic minorities will receive a bit of heckling. That’s a human nature, it is not caused by the BNP.
The fact of the matter is that you and others like you are depriving some native Britons of a particular right which they cherish: the right to live and grow up in an ethnically homogeneous society.
Granted, you may not place the same value on that as BNP supporters do. But the fact is that many millions of people across the world do value such things and will invariably become agitated by mass immigration, the likes of which has occurred in Britain.
I’d venture that you could try to understand them without having to agree with them. The issue can be addressed from a moral, political, cultural, biological or other point of view. However, one indisputable fact is that the BNP supporters and their ilk have history on their side: for racial heterogeneity is not, has not been, the norm in Britain or other nations. So consider them traditionalists, if you will.
[quote]alit4 wrote:
nominal prospect is a supporter of one of the most despised racist men in britain.
If he is despised by the very people he campaigns against, doesn’t that mean he’s doing a great job?
Hell, I think it does guv’nor.
notice no one from the uk starts threads supporting facist parties over here?
[quote]caveman101 wrote:
notice no one from the uk starts threads supporting facist parties over here?[/quote]
Have you “noticed” that your country is turning into a complete shithole, mate?
The fact that the BNP doesn’t have more supporters says a lot more about the British people than about the BNP.
And what it says is not good. Not good at all.
[quote]Nominal Prospect wrote:
[quote]caveman101 wrote:
notice no one from the uk starts threads supporting facist parties over here?[/quote]
Have you “noticed” that your country is turning into a complete shithole, mate?
The fact that the BNP doesn’t have more supporters says a lot more about the British people than about the BNP.
And what it says is not good. Not good at all.[/quote]
are you basing your views off american news networks and a racist party?
just because some rather vocal rightwing muslims got on the news doesnt mean my countries going to the dogs.
Ethnically homogenous my arse if you had ANY idea of the ethnic makeup of Britain rather than talking out your bum you would understand Britain has been subject to waves of immigration in its history, from Celts to Romans to Jutes to Angles and Saxons to Vikings to French, to waves of Belgian immigration in the16th century (Hugenots) all the way up to many Jews coming in the 1920s. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN ETHNICALLY HOMOGENOUS BRITON. There was a channel 4 documentary last year about how many ‘proud white people’ actually have ethnic blood
You are a troll and a good one at that. I said I wouldn’t respond after your inanity of Jews controlling the media. But your slur on me inferring that I’m some sort of immigrant parasite sponging off ‘true hard-working Brits’ pisses me off.
[quote]caveman101 wrote:
are you basing your views off american news networks and a racist party?
just because some rather vocal rightwing muslims got on the news doesnt mean my countries going to the dogs.[/quote]
Are you suggesting that the Jihadi featured in the video is completely unrepresentative of the vast majority of the Muslim immigrant population in the UK? If so, then how come he clearly has hundreds of supporters, as shown by the video? I’m simply not buying that this is an isolated incident and that he and his followers are the only Muslims in the country who hold those beliefs.
The bottom line is that if it smells and looks like bullshit, it’s bullshit. Truth is that Muslims the world over hate Western nations and everyone knows it. A situation like that is a powderkeg waiting to explode.
I am not going to play these politically correct games. I have had enough of that bullshit.
Don’t you feel like a complete turd for having to resort to this?
Every time some minority is shown behaving badly, which everyone knows they are apt to do in their host nations, out come the liberal apologists with their PC explanations. Despicable.
You really ought to be disgusted with yourself. Assuming you’re white, that is.
Also, continually shouting that the BNP is a “racist party” does nothing to disprove the fundamental truth of their platform, as depicted by the video I posted on inner London.
[quote]Bambi wrote:
Ethnically homogenous my arse if you had ANY idea of the ethnic makeup of Britain rather than talking out your bum you would understand Britain has been subject to waves of immigration in its history, from Celts to Romans to Jutes to Angles and Saxons to Vikings to French, to waves of Belgian immigration in the16th century (Hugenots) all the way up to many Jews coming in the 1920s. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN ETHNICALLY HOMOGENOUS BRITON. There was a channel 4 documentary last year about how many ‘proud white people’ actually have ethnic blood
You are a troll and a good one at that. I said I wouldn’t respond after your inanity of Jews controlling the media. But your slur on me inferring that I’m some sort of immigrant parasite sponging off ‘true hard-working Brits’ pisses me off.
Ahh yes, here we have another revolting liberal-PC argument trotted out.
“Everyone carries some degree of admixture”, we’re told, “so it stands to reason that nationalists/racial preservationists are hypocrites and fools”.
The racial, genetic, cultural, historic, linguistic, and other disparities between groups such as the Welsh, English, Scotts, Irish, Normans, and more broadly, all of Northwestern-European populations are far less by orders of magnitude than those between the aforesaid groups and non-European populations.
In biology as in all sciences, scale is extremely important. Differences and disparities exist at all levels, yet that doesn’t prevent scientists from making classifications and grouping together species on the basis of broad similarities.
As an example of the former, one might consider that humans are defined as, “bipedal primates belonging to the species Homo sapiens.” It is, however, a documented fact that some humans are born missing one or both legs, which means they cannot properly be considered “bipedal”. Yet they’re still biologically human.
Biology, you see, is not like physics. It has to be rigorous enough to identify general trends in large populations while being flexible enough to accomodate occasional exceptions to those trends. And so it is. There you have it.
nominal prospect, you are a naive child with absolutely no idea what you are talking about. you do not live in the uk,have little or no exposure to british life, culture, ideals, or even media, form opinions purely for trolling puposes and have no idea what it means to be of “white native anglo saxon origin” you also have no concept of tolerance.
also i understand you are a white american, not a native american, therefore if nick the BNP principals were applied over there, you would be sent home. (which i presume means coming over here… shudder’s)
[quote]Nominal Prospect wrote:
[quote]wigsa wrote:
I could have guessed by the iron cross in your avatar that you were a fascist.And I also see you’ve posted a link to stormfront.A great forum for intelligent discussion among redneck retards.[/quote]
Sure, there are retards on Stormfront just as there are on this forum. I’ve yet to find a popular debate forum without them. Stormfront is an interesting board board filled with good conservative people. People who believe the right things and talk about issues that matter. That’s why I read it. I could [mostly] say the same about the T-Nation political forum.
[quote]wigsa wrote:
I looked in the Ireland section once where I saw about 7 threads started by people saying they were sickened by the sight of interracial couples walking around Dublin.Ignorant retards.[/quote]
I fail to see the ignorance.
If all or the majority of Irish marry Africans, there won’t be any true “Irish” left after a generation. Perhaps Irish natives - oh, how insensitive of them - wouldn’t want such a scenario to occur?
If the Irish can’t stand up for the Irish, then who can and who will? Mind answering that one?
[quote]wigsa wrote:
Just so you know,if you start using Nick Griffin and his kind as credible representatives of an opinion,you can be sure people will start to ignore you.[/quote]
Yes indeed, I can be sure that precisely the right types of people will ignore me. Which is the reason I like to bring up Mr. Griffin often.
White, native Britons who profess a hate for the BNP and Nick Griffin disgust me.
I’ll tell you what, there is something far more vile and despicable than a fascist. Do you know what I’m speaking of?
Militant, self-righteous “anti-fascists” and “anti-racists”, of course. Useful idiots for the leftwing globalist elite, they are the scum of the earth.
[quote]Bambi wrote:
Well mate I wouldn’t know I’m half Italian and have been on the receiving end of BNP bully boys when in York, been told that my olive skin was a disgrace to Britain and to pack off home. If they were in power I would have to leave despite the fact my mother is Scottish. I’m not going to argue with you anymore but that is my view[/quote]
BNP or no BNP, so long as there remains a majority of white people in the UK, other ethnic minorities will receive a bit of heckling. That’s a human nature, it is not caused by the BNP.
The fact of the matter is that you and others like you are depriving some native Britons of a particular right which they cherish: the right to live and grow up in an ethnically homogeneous society.
Granted, you may not place the same value on that as BNP supporters do. But the fact is that many millions of people across the world do value such things and will invariably become agitated by mass immigration, the likes of which has occurred in Britain.
I’d venture that you could try to understand them without having to agree with them. The issue can be addressed from a moral, political, cultural, biological or other point of view. However, one indisputable fact is that the BNP supporters and their ilk have history on their side: for racial heterogeneity is not, has not been, the norm in Britain or other nations. So consider them traditionalists, if you will.
[quote]alit4 wrote:
nominal prospect is a supporter of one of the most despised racist men in britain.
If he is despised by the very people he campaigns against, doesn’t that mean he’s doing a great job?
Hell, I think it does guv’nor.[/quote]
he is despised by a hell of a lot more people who he doesn’t campaign against too.
Mate leave it. The guy’s a nutcase, he said that I should expect and deserve second class treatment because one of my parents was an immigrant and he believes Jews have excessive control in the media and government. There’s no arguing with him.