Just want to know what wraps do you uses? Pro and cons please. I need to buy and all around suit(squat and dead) Single ply IPF standard, any idea?
Thank you Jon
Just want to know what wraps do you uses? Pro and cons please. I need to buy and all around suit(squat and dead) Single ply IPF standard, any idea?
Thank you Jon
Wraps. This is a personal choice for the most part. I switched from Inzer Z wraps to METAL triple line wraps. The Inzer wraps are good wraps, just a little thicker than I wanted. The METAL wraps are thinner and wrap tighter than hell.
You could go with either for the most part.
As for IPF legal gear, I would say METAL. Thier viking material of awesome. Cost is a factor here though.
I think you should ask yourself; are you competing for the first time to discover if you want to compete further or are you going to be competing for years to come? If your undecided, I would say buy and Inzer suit and shirt (rather inexpensive) and go out and find out if this is what you want. Otherwise, time to invest in the best, METAL.
What length wrist straps should I get? I’m torn between 20 and 36 inches. I’ve never used wraps before so I was curious what everyone used.
Regardless of the situation, always go with the longer wrist wraps. Shorter ones are a waste of money.
If I remember right, you’ll have to call Inzer (assuming you order from them) and ask for the longer wraps.
Myself I have never tried Metal stuff. I have had both Inzer and Titan single ply bench shirts. I like the Titan ones better. As far as squat suits go I’m no experts as I haven’t do too many full meets. I have a Inzer champion suit. My titan is on the way. If you get achance to use 2 ply gear my Karin Klein denim is awesome puts 100 pounds on my bench. No shit, I only get 25-30 off single ply shirts. Deads I always do raw right now. I could use more input in that arena as I am still going back and forth between conventional and sumo
I use Inzer Z’s also. When they’re brand new and if you really crank them on tight, they give some good rebound. I’ve heard Titan’s THP wraps are good also. As far as suits, I’ve used an Inzer champion (single ply) for about 6 months. It was recomended to me as a good starter suit and I agree. It’s not a lot of suit, but it’s not a lot of money either- I think it was like $40. It’s pretty easy to get on. It wasn’t too hard to learn either. I think it took me only about three sessions with the straps up to get the hang of it.