Hey guys. I discovered T-mag Nov. 2/2002, and after reading various articles on basic lifting and techniques, I implemented various changes in my regimen that worked out very well for me (tempo importance, nutrition, periodization, etc). I had lifted on and off for about 8 years, nothing serious, so the principles I discovered here really helped me out. This is what happened:
Nov 2/02 Present
Wt. 174 202
Bench: 200 365
Deads: 0 405
DB shoulder press: 50 110
I guess those are all the major lifts I do. I don’t do squats because of a previous back injury, and have only recently begun doing deads (I like 'em!)
My workouts have been a regimented periodization program of 6 weeks strenth/6 weeks growth, working out 4 times a week. My results seem to indicate progress, but the thing is, most of my gains came on pretty rapidly, in about 6 months. In the past 6 months, I’ve only added 5 pounds to my body, and not much to my major lifts. My workouts consist of 25-30 sets on average. I’m currently doing the workout suggested a few weeks ago here written by Chad Waterbury: Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION
I modified it a bit to do different leg stuff instead of squats, though. (Leg presses and barbell deads instead of DB deads). Prior to this, I worked on probably 80% compound lifts only; dips, chinups of various kinds, presses of all kinds, rows, hack squats (barbell), deadlifts, and curls for arm stuff.
My diet is pretty well dialed in. I eat a cup of oatmeal every morning, without fail. Lunches are whole grain breads, tuna, and fruit only, each day. Dinner is nearly always chicken/vegetable or steak/vegetable, or whole wheat pasta with beef/chicken. Chips, desserts, etc. are at a minimum. I have a pre-workout shake with dextrose and maltodextrin, and a post workout shake of 3:1 carbs/protein. Before bed, I have a big shake with 80 grams of protein. It should be noted I like milk - my shakes and oatmeal all have milk in them. This diet is pretty regimented, but I’m human. I have pizza and white pasta sometimes, and cake and anything else a normal human being likes to consume. Not too often though. Also, I never drink, not even a little bit.
My goal is primarily to get bigger (surprise, surprise!). From my results, it looks like this is happening, but on this regimine, I have noticed more fat than usual on my body. I have trained even harder to compensate for this, but my lifts have stayed fairly stagnant for a few months now. I don’t know what methods I should be following to counteract this. I want to be a hard 210 or so, and it’s proving extremely difficult to do. Most guys would say, “it’s your diet, stupid!” But anytime I add some extra quality calories to my diet (more morning oatmeal, a morning shake, etc.) the past few months, it seems to just get added on as fat instead.
From what I have posted, what could I change to improve my results? Are my expectations too high, or am I on target to hit my goal in a year or so doing what I’m doing? Taking any supplement other than creatine or protein is not an option for me. My t-levels are normal as proven by a recent medical test.
I just feel like I’m doing the same old thing, and when I begin my new latest “hypertrophy stage” my numbers look essentially the same as when I last did it. Any help would be appreciated from those in the know, or even pointing me towards a good new workout/philosophy. There are so damn many on here, I just don’t know what school of thought to take.