Hey Guys. Thanks for taking the time to read this thread.
I have finally got an awesome job as a Personal Trainer at one of the most busiest gyms in the city. I love it, and this is it for me! I want to grow as a PT keep on learning, expand my knowledge and keep on improving day in and day out as a personal trainer!
Most of all i want to give people what they want, and that is results!
Right now I don’t have a problem getting clientele. I think for most people to have a fit Personal Trainer is just motivating. I’m amazed how much trust people have in me, they listen to everything I say and take it very seriously. I have about 8 clients right now. Mostly women, with some experience.
I need some advice please.
What i’m doing right now with most of them is a 3 day Total Body Workout. Depends on the person and what they are capable of performing. Most of them are doing all Compound exercises (5) and (2) single joint exercises total of 8 per workout. I vary the number of sets, reps and rest. Each one of my clients now has a flawless squat, dead lift and a bench press. I’ve done well on educating the women and what they need to do in order to achieve the body they desire. Each one of them works hard and gives me a 100% each session, I?m proud of these ladies!
All the experienced Trainers out there, any advice for me?
What courses sore hips and does the abductor machine really work for strengthening your hips? - on the push go out extremely slow keep on driving, once you’ve reached your sticking point keep on driving out for 10 seconds and release, return back to the starting position very slowly and repeat?
Where can I get some cool stretches that I can perform on them, “partner stretches” the ones that work and the ones that they’ll need me for.
I have more questions but I’ll stop here for now.
Thanks T Nation