[quote]PF_88 wrote:
My personal training so far is different, the gym where I work attracts my clients for me, I haven’t sold any new packages just renewals.
The most success I have had is developing a good rapport with my clients, almost making friends with them as we train, afterwards we talk about stuff other then just training, just normal stuff friends would talk about.
This has worked really great for me because as you develop a good rapport with them, staying positive, in my experience they tend to want to impress you. If they fail on a lift or don’t get in on there own, they actually apologize to me, but I know they were giving it there all so I was still happy with them.
It’s easy to get results with most clients bc most clients are beginners, I just want to make sure they look forward to the training session when they come.
It’s hard for them to have fun all the time though, yeah they will do stuff they don’t like. That’s when I’d be a little more strict, sorta the “shut up and do it” kinda attitude but I am still smiling (so they think I’m joking).
Now obviously this isn’t the same advice shadow here gave, but I am just a kid, 19 years old. I’m a weekend certified trainer and this is just part-time, I’m going to college for a completely un-related course.
I don’t fully know what it takes to become successful in this field as a career, shadow has been doing it much longer then me and seems have gotten very good success. For that I applaud you, nice work![/quote]
The relationship you describe for the most part is how my relationship is with my good clients. When I have my clients you do what I say I can relax quite a bit because I know their personality type and that they are responsible.
As far as assessments I work for a great coaching group in Tennessee. We have assessment software where we enter in a clients heart rate, pinches and inches, their activity hour by hour for the day, their history of weight loss success, whether or not they have been anorexic or bulemic, and their weight.
From this we can estimate how much cardio they will have to do, how much weight loss will be water, how much weight they can lose, how many calories they must take in, and their fat loss and muscle gain, as well as their body composition change. Excellent stuff we have. That is our main focus, we do not do many other assessments other than is in our initial sheets for them to fill out.