New to the boards, got a few questions...

Hey everyone, I stumbled upon this site, and thought I’d give you guys a what’s up. I just wanna start by outlining my workout and cardio. I workout Mon-Fri. Chest on Monday, Legs on Tuesday, Back and Biceps on Wednesday, Triceps on Thursday and Shoulders/abs on Friday. I do dumbell bench press, incline bench, decline bench,(w/ barbells, not a bar) and flys for chest. For legs I do squat, leg press, seated calf raises, leg extensions. For triceps I do skull crushers, tricep pull downs, close grip bench press, and one other thing, which I don’t know what it’s called. For back I do seated row, upright row, that machine where you lay on a incline bench, and pull on the 2 handles…it work the upper bench, pardon my ignorance. For biceps I do curls, concentration curls, preacher curls. For shoulders I do shrugs, military press, and chin-raises. Abs I do incline situps and ab machine. Now, I’m having trouble w/ my diet. I’m 6’3, 200 pounds, and not fat at all, but my midsection is suffereing from lack of definition. I have abs…however they are covered by fat. I need to know if my workout is pretty good for putting on mass, and getting cut at the same time? And what my diet should look like to help promote the growth while helping my midsection look more refined. I’m a newbie to this stuff, for the most part, so I was hoping you guys could help me out. I’m also curious about supplements, like Hydroxycut, however I think I should get most of the results through hardwork, not supps at first. Thanks…

It sounds like you need to do a search. Read the article “Diet Manefesto.”
It will tell you how to get those abs & get even bigger.
(*Hint you will have to get big by eating big then diet off the extra fat for the end result you are looking for.)
If you really “want” this go with the T-Dawg Diet. It is disscussed in the above article or you can search for it by name. My favorite to getting lean was designed by John M Berardi. (3 P & C meals followed by 3 P & F meals.)read his articles: Appetite for Construction (also easily found with the Search.)

hoss, youre liftin too much [unless your juicin.] i’d say, at MOST, to go only 2 days in a row then take a day off. i think it’d also be best to take off days after legs and back days. maybe you could try:day1- chest 12 worksets and shoulders 9 worksets,day2-legs 8w/s for quads,6 for hams and 4-5 for calves, day 3-off, day 4 back, 12-14w/s, arms[supersets]6-7w/s, day 5-off, day 6-off, start over [depends on how you feel, i’d say go ahead and push through anyways, but thats totally your call] after each session, do 10-15 min mod cardio and stretch each muscle for a total of 5-10 min [at least]i know it sounds crazy to workout LESS, bu t i did a program almost identical to yours about a year and a half ago-and ate like a horse- and was ridiculously overtrained had almost no energy for anything else after a while. make sure to drink a shake within 5 min after your done with about a 2:1 carb ratio if your tryin to cut and a 4:1 ratio if your tryin to gain, and eat a solid meal within 1.5-2 hrs afterwards, hpe we all helped dude