Just wanted to introduce myself. Name is Donny and I’m from New Hampshire. Just recently started lifting again and heard about Testosterone from a friend at work and since i havent lifted in like 11 years i figured i better check it out and see what new info i can come up with. You guys have an amazing site here and i hope that one day i can contribute like so many of you do. Which brings me too…
When i was 21 years old i weighed in at 145 and had a 435 squat 455 deadlift and a 300 bench (raw). Now i’m 200 pounds, out of shape and 32 years old haha. But been working out for 6 months now and got my bench back up too 300 and deadlift and squats are way behind at 350.( i havent been working them as i should have) Is it un-reasonable to think i can get my bench to about 400 and squats about 650ish and the deadlift to about 650ish at my age? I know 32 isnt that old but i’m not 21 and not sure how age really plays a roll and when it starts to play that roll. My goal is to start goign to meets and just getting as strong as possable. Not really worried about gettign ripped or anything like that. Just want to become a monster again !!!
Also Biotest sell any meal replacements? The prices seem great for everything else but i didnt see anythign for meal replacements