im going to be able to purchase a car in a couple of months so not having to rely on my parents to get to the gym i want to spend some more time at the gym if i can. i defiantly feel like i could be doing more.
age 17
5’11 220 lbs
old split was copied off Modoks old split. Chest/back, legs, arms/shoulders rest repeat
New split is a chest/arms, legs, shoulders/traps, back repeat rest days just when ever i feel like it
Chest arms 1:
cable cross overs to chin to pre-exhaust upper chest
db incline press
flat bench press
cross hammer curls
dips for triceps
db curls
incline ezbar extenstion
incline db curls
chest arms 2
pec deck
flat db press
incline bench press
reverse grip curls
pin press
barbell curls
OH extension
preacher curl
Legs 1
romanian deadlift/ straightleg whatever
hack squat
legs 2
deadlift cycle between sumo and conventional like i do now
legpress or front squat (tried both and like the leg press better)
leg curls
Shoulder 1
OH seated Press
cable laterals
this lateral/front/db press triset maybe or just front raise
reverse peck deck
hammer strength shrug
shoulder 2
laterals as pre exhaust
db press
btn smith press
reverse peck deck
barbell shrug
Back 1
hs pull overs as pre exhasut
hs high row
old school t bar rows
cable rows close grip
back 2
hs pull overs
close grip pull downs
db rows
hs normal row
id just like some opinions on this split. ik im going to do well on it, just tweaks from the advanced guys about excersie selection could be usefull, or maybe some pit falls i dont see yet.
some numbers if it helps
Deads: right now cause of a quad injury this was my main leg excrcise, 390lbs for 5 reps on convential
squats: because of quad thing i just was able to start up again, right now at 185 for 5, old maz was 285 for 5 in november
OH press: 145 for 7
bench: because of pre-exhaust for chest and it being the last exercise its low lol
165 for 8 rapidly improving