new R-ALA

I’ve been reading allot about this new R-ALA on a different board, and just wondering if anyone here has any info or thoughts on it. It’s suposed to be much more effective than regular ala. People say 800 mg’s keeps them in ketosis after eating 200 carbs a day.

r-ALA is the ingredient in regular ALA that actually does what we want. The other half is s-ALA, and is actually counterproductive to our goals. r-ALA is more expesive. It works like this: if you figure out how much ALA you need to take to get 1 gram of r-ALA, it comes out to the same dollar value as if you were to just buy r-ALA as a standalone. I recommend people to ditch ALA, and start using r-ALA.

It’s possible to be in ketosis from 800mg r-ALA, when eating 200 g carbs a day, but usually it’s not true. When carbs are higher than 100 g a day, many people think they’re in ketosis when they’re not.